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2020 US Democratic Party primaries discussion

Who would you vote for?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • Pete Buttigieg

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Kamala Harris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Andrew Yang

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Amy Klobuchar

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Michael Bloomberg

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
IMO the Dems are currently split between the leftist SocDems (aka AOC, Bernie, and the newcomers), and the more centralist-corporatist Dem establishment.

Parachuting a billionaire in is unlikely to heal that rift.

True but Micheal Bloomberg has credibility as the Mayor of NYC and he is well respected across the board. He may not be a tree-hugging leftist but he is intelligent, methodical and has a head for this sort of thing. Biden has baggage but he does have the fact he was Obamas VP going for him.

The thing about Biden is that just because he was Obamas VP does not mean he is a good candidate. Take Hilary Clinton for example, she is the husband of one of the greatest presidents in American History along with being a senator and secretary of state but she could not win an election against Donald Trump for Christ sake.

Bernie Sanders is the epitome of the old guy yells at cloud and "the rent is too damn high" meme. He likes to hear himself talk but nobody expects him to win.

Elizabeth Warren is the leftist, tree hugger that has great ideas but no real plan to implement them. She can talk the talk but has no real chance of being the candidate.
A few hundred thousand votes in the Midwest were the difference in 2018.

Which begs the question, what candidate is best equipped to win those votes back?

To me, Pete, Warren and Bloomberg are too bookish, too technocratic to appeal to blue collar voters.

I think Biden or Sanders are the safest bets. They also poll better than Pete and Warren among African Americans, possibly putting North Carolina or Georgia in play.
'You're a damn liar man' - Biden in heated exchange with voter

Former US Vice-President Joe Biden angrily rebuffed a voter in Iowa who suggested he had sent his son, Hunter, to work in Ukraine.

Just like the last primaries, Bernie's my man.
Looking at the poll results above it's clear that Bernie is the most popular here at UT. Which clearly demonstrates the disconnect or disparity between UR's users and the US electorate. Bernie doesn't stand a chance in the primaries. It's either Biden or Warren, IMO. A Warren-Klobuchar ticket would be interesting, but I fear progressive women cannot beat Trump, with his army of lock her up misogynists. IMO, the openly homosexual Buttigieg stands a better shot of beating Trump.
Alright, fess up...who voted for Bloomberg?

I'll fess up that it was me who voted for Yang. Now it's your turn. :p
I really have no faith in the US electoral system. Somehow the EU manages to host an election without issues, Canada can hold a general election without issues but the US has problems every time.

They always claim it is the balloting system but the same systems are used world wide without issue. I honestly think that when the debacle happened in 2000 the US electoral system got a series of knee jerk responses to a problem that could easily be solved by making an X on a piece of paper. Instead, we get hanging chads and faulty apps.

If places like Iraq can hold an election without issue the US should be able to as well.
Pete Buttigieg holds early lead in Iowa caucuses after chaos over results

Iowa Democratic party announces partial results with former South Bend mayor trailed closely by Bernie Sanders

I really have no faith in the US electoral system. Somehow the EU manages to host an election without issues, Canada can hold a general election without issues but the US has problems every time.

They always claim it is the balloting system but the same systems are used world wide without issue. I honestly think that when the debacle happened in 2000 the US electoral system got a series of knee jerk responses to a problem that could easily be solved by making an X on a piece of paper. Instead, we get hanging chads and faulty apps.

If places like Iraq can hold an election without issue the US should be able to as well.
Because there are simply more powerful forces interested in keeping the system broken/inefficient, and the benefits of a working system are not immediately perceptible to the public (who already distrust the government).

Same reason why H&R Block actually lobbies the US government to make the tax code more complicated, as a simple tax code is bad for business.

In this case, the convoluted primaries are a way of allowing the DNC to control the candidate selection process, rather than being representive of the party. My guess is that Sanders has spooked them with his scary communism while Biden is non-viable, so they’ll try to pull an Obama 2.0 with Buttygig (lay low during the mud-flinging then spring up through the middle).
Because there are simply more people interested in keeping the system broken/inefficient, and the benefits of a working system are not immediately perceptible to the public (who already distrust the government).

Same reason why H&R Block actually lobbies the US government to make the tax code more complicated, as a simple tax code is bad for business.

In this case, the convoluted primaries are a way of allowing the DNC to control the candidate selection process, rather than being representive of the party. My guess is that Sanders has spooked them with his scary communism while Biden is non-viable, so they’ll try to pull an Obama 2.0 with Buttygig.

I can see Bloomberg pulling it off. As they said on CNN Biden has too much baggage to be a viable candidate. Sanders is too old and too out there much like Warren to win anything.

They want a safe, no-name candidate that nobody has heard of to win. The only reason I think Bloomberg will pull it off is because of his name and the fact he is the democratic equivalent of Trump.
Does this mean Canada's tax code is simple?

In comparison, yes. I have a Diploma in International Business and US imports/exports were part of the course. The amount of tax paperwork involved in importing things was insane.

As we said during my time in college, the US has a form for everything, even the form you just filled out. The US has to have documentation for everything making tax paperwork a nightmare. Nobody makes money off of a simple tax return however.

In Canada it is straightforward relatively speaking.
I can see Bloomberg pulling it off. As they said on CNN Biden has too much baggage to be a viable candidate. Sanders is too old and too out there much like Warren to win anything.

They want a safe, no-name candidate that nobody has heard of to win. The only reason I think Bloomberg will pull it off is because of his name and the fact he is the democratic equivalent of Trump.
Maybe, but I think Bloomberg doesn't feel 'progressive' enough for the party's radical wing, who definitely don't want an Trump-like oligarch in control.

Atm the Democrats are split between the far-left Dems (AOC, Justice Dems and others), and the more corporatist branch (Pelosi, etc.) that controls the DNC. The DNC can't explicitly reject the far-left Dems for the sake of fundraising, volunteers and party unity, but its interests (backers, lobbyists, fundraisers) also do not want the far-left in control.

Buttigieg may be the 'preferred' choice in that they can spin up his 'small origins' (like Obama's), while he also simultaneously has some corporatist experience from McKinsey. Furthermore, he's externally 'progressive-Christian' (could work for moderates), and can play up and down the GAY™ and other progressive traits depending on where he campaigns.

He's also mostly escaped the mud-flinging that's crippled other candidates, which is the important factor- he might be the DNC's dark horse candidate.
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