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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Count her gone, quickly, "no fires here, nosirreee" if the press will miss it.
He gives his cell phone number to all new Canadians?
Correction (as he states after that): (gist) "In fact, I give it to everyone" (desperately trying to cover his ample ass).

The more he squirms, the more he burns. The fumes are toxic, so use respiratory protection.

Con HQ must be going into crisis mode at this point in time. Oh to be a fly on Elliot's or Mulroney's wall. "We know he's an idiot, but now everyone will know if he keeps opening his mouth".
I think his position is that immigrants will steal jobs from Canadians. He doesn't have to explain it -- it's like "gravy train". "Take care of our own" is one of those slogans that appeal to a certain block of voters but doesn't need to be backed up with anything specific.
"For The People"


"For The Proper People"

Didn't we see Dougie exhibit this same brutish behaviour before with Robbie trying to correct him? Robbie's not here anymore and there is no one to protect him; It's like watching Abbot w/o Costello or Martin w/o Lewis.
Asylum-seekers will be fast-tracked to Ontario starting next week

Sound like an Ontario issue.

Illegal usually means against the law.
So where is the money coming from for the wall?
Count her gone, quickly, "no fires here, nosirreee" if the press will miss it.
Correction (as he states after that): (gist) "In fact, I give it to everyone" (desperately trying to cover his ample ass).

The more he squirms, the more he burns. The fumes are toxic, so use respiratory protection.

Con HQ must be going into crisis mode at this point in time. Oh to be a fly on Elliot's or Mulroney's wall. "We know he's an idiot, but now everyone will know if he keeps opening his mouth".

To be perfectly honest, I don't think any of his gaffes are having much of a negative impact. It's all going relatively smoothly.

Many people are so keen on change that nothing he and his candidates have done has been enough to push away the average voter.

Kind of reminds me of when Rob Ford won - he made plenty of mistakes and there were reports on his true nature, yet people ignored it.
Agreed on the hard core 40%, although that might erode once the "Anything But Ford" movement gets footing. Given an alternative with muscle, the disaffected will gravitate to it. A lot depends on Horwath and Schreiner. Schreiner has been performing admirably, Horwath, same as she ever was. She'd better find some Mojo, and fast.

I'm just in from distance cycling, must get back out before I get old, but had time to check the Starph:
No longer polling third, Horwath and the NDP are fending off attacks from both sides
“The next week may well determine if Andrea Horwath and her team are ready for prime time,” said University of Toronto expert Sean Speer.

Anybody-but-Ford movement is percolating as June 7 election nears: poll

We'll see. The NDP and Greens might do well to play for the Disaffected by offering a Progressive Centrist choice (Green) and a Safe Left Turn (Orange) option. And start talking a coalition of sorts even before the election.

Risk of splitting the vote? Absolutely...but an even greater one of the Blinded and Unthinking hanging out with Dougie and his Friends if the pragmatic alternatives aren't offered.
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Agreed on the hard core 40%, although that might erode once the "Anything But Ford" movement gets footing. Given an alternative with muscle, the disaffected will gravitate to it. A lot depends on Horwath and Schreiner. Schreiner has been performing admirably, Horwath, same as she ever was. She'd better find some Mojo, and fast.

Will it gain footing though? The election isn't too far away.

Unless more things are revealed about some racist candidates or other controversies, the Liberals and NDP will have a tough time.

This is why they should've waited on the Granic Allen revelation - Ford having to deal with it with the election in full swing would've been a lot more damaging than it has been, IMO.
Will it gain footing though? The election isn't too far away.

Unless more things are revealed about some racist candidates or other controversies, the Liberals and NDP will have a tough time.

This is why they should've waited on the Granic Allen revelation - Ford having to deal with it with the election in full swing would've been a lot more damaging than it has been, IMO.
The Granite Pit was in the works even before the mortar set. I continue to have questions as to where the puppet strings lead.

Edit to Add: And he didn't even wear a safe to do it. Now who needs Sex-Ed?
Agreed on the hard core 40%, although that might erode once the "Anything But Ford" movement gets footing. Given an alternative with muscle, the disaffected will gravitate to it. A lot depends on Horwath and Schreiner. Schreiner has been performing admirably, Horwath, same as she ever was. She'd better find some Mojo, and fast.

Horwath *hasn't*? Look, might as well offer that Rae was even more "same as *he* ever was" at this point in the 1990 election--and we know what happened next.

In fact for all of Schreiner's "admirable" performance, let's remember that it's Horwath who's had the real buzz and momentum (and by extension, "Mojo-seeds") over the past week--that's what being a part of debates and a FPTP system et al brings ya. Schreiner's still "also-ran", even if his share's also tokenly upticked according to the CBC Poll Tracker. And as long as Horwath has the (however earned or unearned) wind in her sails, Schreiner becomes redundant--sort of like how the NDP becomes redundant once the "strategic" Liberals have the wind in *their* sails--but even more redundant than that, since they don't have a record of winning seats in Ontario.

Methinks that unless Horwath lays an egg en route to the finish line, the Greens will be hard pressed to match their 8% in 2007--what something like that'd require would be the other three leaders being unpalatable, but a curiously "benign" kind of unpalatable". And "benign", Doug Ford is not...
I'm surprised by how many friends I've spoken to who are thinking about voting for the NDP, particularly in NDP hostile terrain like rural Flamborough and Mississauga. Will ridings in Cooksville and Flamborough turn orange? Of course not, but it will undoubtedly damage the Liberals.

Forget an Ignatieff-level collapse, I'm thinking it will be a Kim Campbell-level implosion.
With Ford having a loyal base who hate Wynne and the NDP looking strong as hell, I think Wynne is going to lose badly and that is all I care about this election.

I am happy with either the NDP or Tories winning.
And here is one devastating commentary on populism:

The paradox of populism is that it always reflects the public's nostalgia for a better time when elites were more in charge than the public
- Tom Nichols


and we have a premier that puts the province in debt on purpose to buy votes because she cant run on her own record.

I am not saying Ford is great but a lot of guys defend the status quo and it needs to get slapped around time to time.
Horwath *hasn't*? Look, might as well offer that Rae was even more "same as *he* ever was" at this point in the 1990 election--and we know what happened next.
Rae had a hell of a lot more substance and the ability to expound it than Horwath has ever had. I like Horwath, but any leadership quality showing now is by default. I wish it were otherwise.

(Edit to Add: I've just perused her musings again to be sure I haven't missed anything. She's as out there as the other two. What's most astounding is how they presume us all to be fools. Example:
I've also perused Bob Rae and retrospect on him, 1990 and otherwise. There's NO comparison.
Horwath is no Rae. The Greens are actually making the most sense out of any of them, by far, and Schreiner is garnering notice and respect where there was none before. And not by selling a spiel with your money)

And as long as Horwath has the (however earned or unearned) wind in her sails, Schreiner becomes redundant--sort of like how the NDP becomes redundant once the "strategic" Liberals have the wind in *their* sails--but even more redundant than that, since they don't have a record of winning seats in Ontario.
As "redundant" as the Greens in BC?

If the polls are to be believed (and that is highly questionable) the NDP could form a *coalition government* given the support of another party. I leave it at that for now save to say that BC's *three* Green seats were what tipped the BC Libs out of power.

Reference (and reminder):
May 30, 2017 | Last Updated: May 30, 2017 6:08 AM PDT

VICTORIA — B.C. NDP Leader John Horgan could soon become British Columbia’s 36th premier, toppling the Liberal government and forcing the resignation of Premier Christy Clark under a historic power-sharing deal cut Monday between the NDP and Greens.

A flurry of unprecedented backroom negotiations to cobble together the next B.C. government culminated on the weekend at a downtown Victoria hotel, when Green Leader Andrew Weaver broke off talks with the Liberal negotiating team at around 9:30 p.m. Sunday, realizing they were too far apart for a deal.

The Liberals, led by a powerhouse bargaining team of Finance Minister Mike de Jong and B.C. Hydro chairman Brad Bennett expected to get another crack at convincing the Greens to support their party Monday morning. But Weaver blew off the meeting. Instead, Green chief of staff Liz Lilly phoned Bennett to break the bad news that morning: The Greens were going with the NDP. [...]
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