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  1. T

    I’m tired of the lack of civility downtown

    ^ Forget #me too, Black Lives Matter or Donald Trump, the true upheaval of our times is the aging of our population. So get used to it, the future of our world is grumpy and old ;)
  2. T

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Antibody study in Ontario gives us a better snapshot that the true number of Covid cases in Ontario had been 160,000 or 4 times those uncovered through testing. That implies a mortality rate of 1.7 percent.That let’s us do some back of napkin calculations. Our mortality rate is likely...
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    That’s a pretty serious outbreak in Victoria and considering Australia did a lot of things right we didn’t. Those are Quebec level numbers not Ontario.
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    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Judges are just people as infallible as you or I; however, I think it worth repeating that the Judiciary is one of the three branches of our government system. If anything I feel judicial overreach if it exists is often a product of vacuums created by gutless Executive and Legislative...
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Sunrise, Not anxious, angry. You work in trades as I understand. Just because you chew-out the guys for being behind schedule on Monday doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate them for getting the job done on Friday. On that note, this is just round one. Cautionary tails from abroad with early...
  6. T

    Considering a small town to retire to in 2030-35. Recommendations?

    My observation of people in more cases than not is if you end up with a grandchild or more it doesn’t matter where you plan to move. Your choice of were to live will be made up for you ;)
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Sickkids experts starting to update (backpedal) on their dubious earlier report recommendations on covid and kids. They are now recommending masks for high school kids. A step forward but still not addressing middle-school. Masks in middle-school and highschool is a no brainer with what...
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    The Weather

    ^This thread made me defend the summer heatwave, which I personal dislike. Don’t make me have to turn around and defend the winter cold as well ;). By the way it looks like major urban power centres like temperatures colder than civilizations in general. Mean annual temperature of Toronto...
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Toronto recorded one new Covid case today. Many early mis-steps were made but congratulations to Ontario’s public health teams for getting us to this point. The next inning where a sustained phase 3 is going to increase the number of personal contacts will be the next challenge. The fall is...
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    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Just decriminalize everything. Crime will disappear because nothing will be a crime anymore. Case closed ;). The question with decriminalization, policing, and enforcement of rules is what do you do when you’re terrorized by rule breaking and anti-social behaviour where you live? It’s all...
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    Toronto Tech Boom

    I think Amazon and Shopify have fundamentally different business models. Amazon is more of a monolith enclosed system like a Walmart or an Apple. Shopify is more of a messy real-world platform more reminiscent of some Chinese e-commerce players. The strength of Shopify’s approach is the...
  12. T

    The Weather

    Nice video. My kind of nerdy!
  13. T

    Former President Donald Trump's United States of America

    I was thinking about how historically impactful 2020 is in American history. It’s always difficult to place your time in historical perspective. I think this era has surpassed the Vietnam era in historical importance with the pandemic taking more American lives per capita, domestic unrest, the...
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    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    LOL Mike Harris. You know you live in a place that can’t get stuff done when a guy who swept to power 25 years ago is being referenced as scapegoat in a present day infrastructure discussion. For reference: Population Shenzhen 1995 2.4 million. Population 2020 12.4 million. 62 hospitals ;)
  15. T

    The Weather

    Sunrise Champ, your points are all fair. Summer time in Toronto is particularly warm because we combine heat with long hours of sunshine unlike the equatorial regions. That said I still think mean annual temperature is a good measure because it is meaningful to how much heating and cooling...
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    We pulled the old wii fit out of the closet in late March as our covid-19 home exercise regime. It’s great fun and the combination of tracking and gamification works. Ironically I think it’s even more useful as a fitness tool for people as they get older versus the young. I used to be more...
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    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    It’s tough to change the culture because intrinsically the game of politics is connection peddling. Connections and access to connections are the currency and it’s all fuelled by government money and access to government funds. The guy I knew was a Ontario Liberal Party war room operative. He...
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    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Ultimately I don’t thing this WE stuff will stick to Trudeau. It’s really just business as usual. I’m not privy to the world of politics and the industry of political connections but I once new a B level high profile Liberal party guy so I got a window into it. There is a seamless...
  19. T

    Roads: Gardiner Expressway catch-all, incl. Hybrid Design (2015-onwards)

    “Time is money” That’s a fair point. If costs suppress trips they will accrue time benefit to people and businesses who can afford to bare that cost
  20. T

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    I’m interested in Germany’s covid profile as many of the best practice nations are small populations or islands. Germany is seeing a steady stream of new cases but it’s plateaued. Our national numbers look like they are climbing again with no plateau after our first wave. Too soon to tell but...
