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  1. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    MetroMan, When you started this forum, did you know (or have an inkling) about the Ford's illegal dealings? Did you have even the slightest idea that we'd end up anywhere even remotely close to where we find ourselves today?
  2. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "7:12 p.m.: Another man, dressed in a beige coat, comes to the house from the nearby set of Dixon Rd. highrises." Does that seem like a big of a vague description, considering that this is "an official Toronto Police Services document"? That report was from April 11. In Toronto, the sun sets at...
  3. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Before today, we knew that the video had been shot within six months of the Star seeing it in early-May. Today, we learned in the Poisson/Donovan story that the photo (and video) are "believed to have been taken in 2012." The first snowfall of 2012 was on November 4th, but I don't believe that...
  4. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Can you shed any light on what Doug's vice may be? I believe virtually nothing he says, but I actually buy that he doesn't do drugs (don't dip into your supply) and he probably only drinks around people he trusts, if at all. I'm thinking S&M. Until I encountered Rob Ford, I thought I knew...
  5. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't think it's a coincidence that Elena "Princess" Johnson is in the news again within 48 hours of the Sedgewick letter news. As several of us have suggested, she must be his girlfriend who is very close with Ford. We are not quite there yet, but this is all starting to come together like...
  6. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Have the media ever published Bruno Bellissimo's address? There are a few Bellissimo's listed within close proximity to Richview Plaza. Probably listed under his dad's name.
  7. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I was just about to write about the need to stay focused on David Price. Why? Several reasons, not least of which being that MetroMan has been fixated on him for at least a week and it's pretty clear that he'll be the next domino to fall. I've always seen Price as being Doug's guy. But I was...
  8. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thinking a bit more about that "press conference", it was clearly scripted political theater intended for his base. I guess it's worked before. Or has it? Because I'm not sure it's the same game. He's been filmed fleeing reporters before, even before May 16th, so they must think his base...
  9. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    On the show over the Thanksgiving weekend (Oct 13th), Rob referred to Earl Provost as a "wimp". I can't remember the context, but, knowing Ford, it was one of those passive-aggressive comments that supposed to be a joke but isn't because he's incapable of masking his feelings on anything. Doug...
  10. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sometimes I start to feel sorry for Rob. I'm sure that Doug and his cronies are the ones pulling the strings. But then I remember that he is a colossal dick who has gleefully pissed on every single democratic norm that this city built up over the years. Then I don't feel sorry for him anymore.
  11. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    How much stock should we put in those polls anyway? I remember reading about Miller had something like an 80% approval rating late in his term. Don't quote me on that, but isn't it possible that no Toronto mayor has ever actually polled lower than Ford? This isn't a trivial point. As far as I...
  12. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Can you imagine if he pulled a Jared and shed 150lbs? They could print money with that endorsement.
  13. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Am I nuts for thinking that this could end up being the biggest scandal in Canadian history? Admittedly, not a very high bar, but still... MetroMan (or anybody), do you have any idea why Provost is still there? I get why Price sticks around, Moussadi's reasons have been hinted at this week...
  14. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nope. This is a man who literally used his football players as human shields to avoid the media. It wouldn't have surprised me if he had that person tell the media to leave "Uncle Rob" alone.
  15. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I had exactly the same thought. On a related matter, do we know anything about the Mr. Johnson who married Elena Basso and made her Elena Johnson?
  16. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Subways Are For Everyone?
  17. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    On the subject of Rob Ford and character references: Upon me finding Mr. Young guilty, I ordered a Pre-Sentence report. I have received that report, as well as having had the benefit of hearing directly from Ms. S. Bozzo, the author of the report. I have further on consent, received a report...
  18. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Lisi: "...he has always conducted himself in a courteous and polite manner." Sedgewick: "...he has always conducted himself in a courteous and polite manner." He literally has a BOILERPLATE reference letter for his criminal friends.
  19. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The sad irony is that many of those seniors will be dead by the time the subway, the wouldn't have helped them anyway, actually starts operating.
  20. blackballed

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It is possible (though unlikely) that the receptionist was mistaken when she said he was released on Sunday. More likely is that Randy suffered Some Sort of relapse or otherwise needed to be readmitted.Amin's BBM message seems genuine and it makes no sense to order something Go be delivered...
