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  1. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Much more likely that the meltdown would happen when council is in session, I think. Heck, it could happen tomorrow. But it does seem like it will happen sooner or later.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I have to say that the column they pulled was by far the best DiManno piece I've ever read...I thought for a moment that they got the byline wrong. Maybe they pulled it to get her to slop it down to her usual standards.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I took Rob's contradictory statements to mean, "I get what's going on, but my brother and mom are making me sue." Not that I have any sympathy for him whatsoever...that's just me guessing at the dynamic in play.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Your original point was not wrong, though. It's true that Rob is virtually implicated in a whole host of criminal activities, but it's his sewer mouth that seems to be doing him in. I think maybe it's easier for his former fans to grasp the fact that he's jerk than to accept that he is an...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Have to disagree with you on this one. Blatant sexism is as bad as blatant racism, and believe me, this was sexism. Equivalent to (or worse than) if he said "suck my dick" to any male present. Total objectification of his wife, as well. A zero-class move all around. EDIT: I mean this with...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This could actually be a serious question. Once Ford is stripped of his executive powers, though, I assume it's not possible. Now, could he pull some kind of trick before the executive powers vote takes place?
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Something that might be pretty significant just happened: the Fords lost the vote on East Bayfront community housing issue 37-2. Not sure if his whole exec was present, but if Norm Kelly voted against it might suggest that he's straying from their increasingly lonely camp.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Haha. Wow. So it's come to this, has it?
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Seriously, the left complained and the right stayed silent when Eves became an appointed premier. Now the left is quiet and the right is up in arms since Wynne became premier. Simple conclusion: we're all partisan.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think we're reaching the point where it would look suspiciously like politicking if Wynne didn't speak up. As DMW said, the time for setting a new precedent may be at hand. If she says something along the lines of "I don't care about the optics, this man is damaging the country's and my...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What a crowd at NPS!! Tried really hard to be there, but couldn't quite get it to work. Grassroots civic action is just about the best public good/service around, so everyone should be extremely proud.
  12. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Any talk of any American media source taking a close look at this larger story? American libel laws are much more lenient (you can read that as "fair"), though if we are talking organized crime here I'm sure they would still be cautious.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Turtle Island used to have the Etobicoke collection contract. Also, a merger between them and GFL was discussed a couple of years back. Read all about it:
  14. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is a redundant statement.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Perhaps someone can sell him some magic sobriety beans when his brother's not looking.
  16. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To be fair to Ronny Reagan, that line was prefaced with the phrase "In our current crisis..." Meaning that he did not intend it as a general commandment. I speak about this as a staunch liberal: Ron was not as adverse to government spending as the current Tea Party folks make him out to be.
  17. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    One thing I don't quite understand: how does Rob staying in power benefit Doug? That seems to be the angle we're all taking (that Doug won't let him quit), but I must be missing something. It seems like getting Rob out of the public eye would be the best way to maybe keep Doug's reputation...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I took "bird" to mean a snitch or at least someone who is airing dirty laundry. As in, that bird is singing to the police/press/whatever.
  19. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sounds like this clip is definitely having an impact, if you read about the commotion at city hall at the moment. Remember, regardless of context, what we have here is footage of an obviously coked-up mayor talking about how he is going to gruesomely murder someone (or someones). Just because...
  20. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'd like to think that, in the end, this will be the scandal that brings down the modern Conservative movement. There are too many photo-op moments out there for Hudak, Harper et al. to avoid blowback, and the feds already have the Senate scandal weighing down on them. I have no problem with...
