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News   Mar 14, 2025
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News   Mar 14, 2025
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Recent content by kotsy

  1. kotsy

    Toronto East Harbour Transit Hub | 14.35m | 1s | Metrolinx

    and the construction of the North/West end of the Eastern bridge begins.
  2. kotsy

    Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    Wider shot of the barges + cranes etc. from yesterday.
  3. kotsy

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    You're probably right. The rendering for the Lower Don portal also has them.
  4. kotsy

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    Exhibition portal update from today:
  5. kotsy

    Toronto Ontario Line: Exhibition Station | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | HDR

    Portal update from today:
  6. kotsy

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    Tracking shifting coming up in a couple weeks. They're doing this section 1 set of tracks at a time, presumably because it's a longer section than the last one (Eastern to Jimmie Simpson Park)
  7. kotsy

    GO Transit: Construction Projects (Metrolinx, various)

    Tracking shifting coming up in a couple weeks. They're doing this section 1 set of tracks at a time, presumably because it's a longer section than the last one (Eastern to Jimmie Simpson Park)
  8. kotsy

    Toronto East Harbour Transit Hub | 14.35m | 1s | Metrolinx

    That's what I'm thinking but I fear I'm being naive 🫤
  9. kotsy

    Toronto Ontario Line: Exhibition Station | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | HDR

    The bridge is ready. It's just been closed for the winter. I don't think anything else is planned to open for the world cup, except the 3rd/middle GO platform, but that's just a guess.
  10. kotsy

    Toronto Q Tower | 197.4m | 59s | Lifetime | Wallman

    The spray paint has been up there for many weeks. Possibly since the garage closed, but certainly when it wasn't obvious while making the turn from Queens Quay to use this entrance. They may have put this up to save drivers from driving up the whole driveway (through/under the condos) to see...
  11. kotsy

    Toronto Q Tower | 197.4m | 59s | Lifetime | Wallman

    Demolition is a little over halfway.
  12. kotsy

    GO Transit: Construction Projects (Metrolinx, various)

    Thanks! They were taken on Sunday. There aren't many tall buildings next to the corridor, so when the sun is out, it gets a lot of exposure. Plus the rain and above 0 days have helped with melting pretty much all of it here.
  13. kotsy

    Toronto Ontario Line: Riverside-Leslieville Station | 15m | 2s | Metrolinx | HDR

    Turns out this weekend's girder installation was for the gap between the old & new sections of bridge. So the demolition of the old (north/west) section will be coming eventually.
