I have always wondered what the large building on the left with the cars parked on the roof is used for and if it is slated for redevelopment at some point?
Just to add a bit more detail to the responses above. When new police cars are received from the manufacturer they a pretty vanilla, without a lot of the add-ons which make a vehicle into a full function police car - the dome lights, the interior front and rear window lights, siren, klaxon horn, and all the computer and radio equipment. All these police force customization add-ons are done in this garage. Conversely, when a TPS car is retired, all this equipment has to be removed, prior to its disposal.
The OPP has a comparable garage at its General Headquarters facility in Orillia. But prior to the its relocation to Orillia, the OPP headquarters was in downtown Toronto in the now demolished building just west of the Harbour Commissioners Building on Harbour Street. At the time, the OPP garage was located further east on Queen's Quay near Jarvis.
Would anyone else remember when there was a discharge from ship docked at the waterfront which had a discharge of some sort, and ruined the finish of all the OPP's inventory of new cars that were waiting on their fit-ups to go into service - happened in the late 1970's or very early 1980's?
And back to the TPS building - when Ford announced the end of production of its Crown Victoria / Police Interceptor line, the TPS ordered a large bulk purchase of cars to tide them through while they evaluated and qualified a replacement vehicle for the Crown Vic's. The roof of this building was stuffed full of Crown Vic's waiting their turns for upgrading into TPS police cars.