I love your 160 front photos. I'd like to use them in an internal newsletter to showcase the project. I would like to credit you. please email me at stomczyk@sotawal.com. Thank you.
As a near by resident, I'm happy to have that space redeveloped....but man, its ugly. It looks a suburban mall from the early 90's. Why can't we have nice things
Hello Northern Light, looking for some guidance on the community benefits imposed on new developments. Is there a way to get the details on what the developers pay or contribute? Any help/guidance would be appreciated.
Hello. I don't know where to begin or who to discuss this with. Is there a get together for forum members? If so who would I talk to to go to a function if there is one and where etc? hank you.
If you mean the residential component, I don't know what occupancy dates are in effect, others may know better, but you'd probably be best to contact the leasing agents for that.