Senior Member
It costs more $$ to run a half empty express bus to York U from RHC then to run a local bus that has numerous people boarding and alighting. This is why express routes in YRT cost a special fee. There likely isn't demand for such an express route because the 52 407 GO bus duplicates the service. http://www.yorku.ca/trnsprt/publictransit/gotransit.htm
A student fare on the GO to York from Richmond Hill Centre is $4.39, $5.14 if connecting from another YRT service. A YRT (407) express fare is $3.80. If they charged such a fare while having the route just take Highway 7, it would likely get quite a few takers - not to mention bring in some nice extra revenue for YRT.
I'm not saying that the Viva should skip Promenade, but I am saying there is more than enough through passenger demand from points east of the Promenade to York University that a branch or route would be well used. Rather than looking at stats and figures, try actually riding the line and pay attention to how passengers use the route.