Toronto has greatly been a car city, it will take time (and political courage) for the curve to change - along with a reliable transit system. Toronto and New York cannot be compared, they have so many factors which are different it would take a book to discuss them all. Until LRT/subway lines are built and expanded, I wouldn't expect to see too much change before then.
Toronto is just under 3 million, not 6 million.
There are patios on Yonge Street, and then there's Yonge-Dundas Square.
The sidewalks are as wide as they can be on downtown Yonge without losing a lane, and they are in a good state of repair. With all the talk of traffic congestion, I wouldn't expect many sidewalks to be widened in the near future.
Gould Street has been pedestrianized, between Church Street and to just east of Yonge.