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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Why Is Immigration a Success In Canada?

If Canada had the same issues with illegal immigration we might be singing a different tune. As it is, we don't share a border with a developing nation and have millions of poor people flooding across our borders. Now if we had boatloads of Tamils showing up in Toronto harbor daily it would be a completely different story the least of which being the burdens large numbers of illegals place on urban and state infrastructure.

What I've noticed in the Toronto area is that mixed-culture dating and marriages are very common, perhaps even more common than dating or marrying someone from your own cultural background. This is both a symbol of successful cultural intergration and serves to break down the barriers between cultures. The result is Canada is building a new culture on the foundation of all the cultures that have moved here (and the native cultures), which is a natural and positive way for a culture to evolve.

In other places people of different cultural backgrounds tend to keep to themselves. This leads not to multi-culturalism, but two or more cultures trying to share the same geography. Many people mistake culture as a static thing that needs to be preserved and upheld. Culture is not a static thing, it never has been and never will be. Cultures must grow and merge and evolve to keep up with geographic, political and social realities. Fighting against cultural evolution is a fools game.
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Judging from this post, I think it pretty obvious to anyone what your motivation is for these threads about race and immigration.

He's just another one-issue poster, probably heard about UT from one of his regressive blogs, and decided to make a membership to stir things up... there should be zero tolerance for such shit-disturbers here, just like how UT dealt with all the gun nuts who flooded this forum in August
ALL countries culture(s) are constantly evolving and changing, regardless of immigration or not. And there is no such thing a mono-national or monocultural state (and even if there was such a state it make no difference because there is no one culture that is completely unique). But monoculturalism doesn't exist, and trying to preserve something that doesn't doesn't exist is foolish. Especially in country that was founded by people who are not indigenous to the land, and where over 90% of the current population is non-indigenous.
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Anyone who think immigration is a strain on infrastructure should take a look at this article:

Study: Immigration Reform Would Boost US Economy

(Jan. 8) -- If the United States were to create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants currently living in the country, it could boost its gross domestic product by $1.5 trillion in just 10 years, a new study claims.

Conducted by a U.C.L.A. economist and released by the Immigration Policy Center and the Center for American Progress, a nonpartisan research institute based in Washington, the study argues that if comprehensive immigration reform were passed it would result in higher wages, which would lead to a rise in consumption that, in turn, would create more jobs and generate more tax revenue.
Why is immigration a success in Canada?

My current thinking is that it's because our immigrants aren't of any one predominant ethnicity or religion or ideology otherwise. Let's consider countries that have become anti-immigrant:

1) France: The French are against Arab and North-African immigrants. This one coherent ethnic/religious group has become large enough that it is now seen as having the critical mass necessary to undermine French culture and values. The French are afraid of losing their identity to Arabic and islamic encroachment. You rarely, if ever, see them complaining about Chinese, Indian, or European immigrants.

2) America: You rarely heat complaints about Chinese and Indian immigrants. Most complaints are directed at the biggest immigrant group: Latinos. There are enough Latinos in the US and they're coming in fast enough that they're seen as a threat to American culture. The same was true during the wave ofIrish immigration in the 1840's, Germans in the 1870's and Italians 1890's. There was a strong backlash against each as those groups were big enough that they posed a threat to American identity.

3) CANADA: What makes us exceptional is that we have no dominant group of immigrants. We accept many Chinese, Indian, and Arab immigrants but none of them is a dominant group. There's hence no influx of any other one dominating culture which threatens to overbear Canadian identity. Also the fact that Canadian culture is relatively nascent and ill defined makes us less fearful or paranoid about losing it.
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ALL countries culture(s) are constantly evolving and changing, regardless of immigration or not. And there is no such thing a mono-national or monocultural state (and even if there was such a state it make no difference because there is no one culture that is completely unique). But monoculturalism doesn't exist, and trying to preserve something that doesn't doesn't exist is foolish.

You might try trotting that pony past Saudi Arabia, North Korea or Japan and a few other countries that pride themselves on being monocultural. Not making any judgements here other than you would be well advised to make sure your brain is running before slipping your mouth into gear.
I don't get your veiled jab- North Korea is the way it is because no one wants to go there. 31% of Saudi Arabia's population is comprised of foreign nationals (Saudi Arabia is also comprised of multiple tribes, some more dominant than others). And we know how monoculturalism is turning out for Japan...
My current thinking is that it's because our immigrants aren't of any one predominant ethnicity or religion or ideology otherwise. Let's consider countries that have become anti-immigrant:

1) France: The French are against Arab and North-African immigrants. This one coherent ethnic/religious group has become large enough that it is now seen as having the critical mass necessary to undermine French culture and values. The French are afraid of losing their identity to Arabic and islamic encroachment. You rarely, if ever, see them complaining about Chinese, Indian, or European immigrants.

2) America: You rarely heat complaints about Chinese and Indian immigrants. Most complaints are directed at the biggest immigrant group: Latinos. There are enough Latinos in the US and they're coming in fast enough that they're seen as a threat to American culture. The same was true during the wave ofIrish immigration in the 1840's, Germans in the 1870's and Italians 1890's. There was a strong backlash against each as those groups were big enough that they posed a threat to American identity.

3) CANADA: What makes us exceptional is that we have no dominant group of immigrants. We accept many Chinese, Indian, and Arab immigrants but none of them is a dominant group. There's hence no influx of any other one dominating culture which threatens to overbear Canadian identity. Also the fact that Canadian culture is relatively nascent and ill defined makes us less fearful or paranoid about losing it.

And I think Europe and America have every right to be opposed to immigration. And I think when people voice their opinions, people (such as the members on this forum) are quick to dismiss them as a neo-nazi or a bigot. In America, illegals are causing an increase in gang violence, drug trafficking, environmental degradation, etc. I'm sure there are many people who are qualified to be an American citizen and can opt to do so legally, and it's almost insulting to these people that illegal immigrants are simply hopping over the border and taking advantage of an oppurtunity they didn't earn. Why do you suppose Americans have no problems with Asian immigrating in large quantities to the west coast? Opposition to illegal immigration is not racist.
Canada is lucky as no one group dominates, however Muslims are starting to and will in the future and I expect further problems around that.
Canada is lucky as no one group dominates, however Muslims are starting to and will in the future and I expect further problems around that.
Sorry bud, but muslims make up a measly 2% of the country's population. Compare that to over 70% Christian, and 1% Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh each.
EDIT: And over 15% non-religious

That's a really, really inflammatory comment right there.
Canadian culture is ill defined? It isn't to me. With roots going back to the 1600s LC though, I guess I feel 100% Canadianized.

Then define it. Good luck.

Canada identity in fact really only came to its own under Trudeau. Until then it was largely seen as a mishmash of French and Anglo Quebec certainly has had an identity dating back much further... but the Quebec identity is not Canadian identity.
Well I am looking at it objectively, there are near 800,000 by 2006...

With all those silly controversy and hate over Muslims, when they become a major group as they will (they are the fastest growing religion in Canada) there will be tension.

You can ignore and think we are not capable of that in Canada, but there have been so many stupid controversies already. The whole religious school thing in 2007 was massively fueled by the publicly funded Islamic schools.
