Really, low income people are not "supposed" to be able to afford to live in downtown? Where did that one come from?
Public housing and shelters should be located everywhere, with an eye on acceessbility and overconcentration. Just because there is an area of a city that is less desirable doesn't make the city as a whole unattractive to investors. An interesting that you should mention Eaton Centre - it didn't keep people from going there, did it? Just saying.
Market determines that the low-income population can't afford good location real estate in big cities. That's simply demand and supply. The reason gettos like Moss Park exists was because the government
subsidize. them. If let the market to decide what area is desirable and who can afford it, I am sure Queen/Shoubourne would be a much nicer area.
Shelters should be located everywhere? I don't agree. shelters exist because the government, using taxpayers' money, is trying to help those who don't have the ability to afford a decent life, for free. I don't think they get to pick the locations. It is free and you are saying "no, I don't want be too far from downtown, I need to be right there?" I don't think so. They don't get to pick the locations where those who actually pay 30K tax a year would otherwise prefer, do they?
If shelters should be everywhere, how about setting up a large one with 1000 beds right next to your house? I wonder whether you would still not mind it at all, or you woudl still gladly have your kids playing on the street. Or, Why not set up some shelters at King and Bay, next to First Canadian Place? Or Bloor and Avenue road, just opposite the Park Hyatt?
With all due respect, i don't mean the government should not help homeless people. It is just to have large shelters right beside the main commercial/business city center is outright stupid. In my opinion, Moss Park, Regent Park and St Jamestown should all be moved to different near suburbs. I don't see the difference in social consequence between that and having them right in downtown core. They would cause trouble no matter what, and I think taxpayers may not have the right to subsidize them, but should at least have the right not to see them on a regular basis.