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Why aren't extracurricular activities part of teacher job descriptions?

I would say that if extra extracurricular is not mandatory, they should be looking at about a 30% pay reduction. In order to maintain their salary where it is, they (all teachers) should agree to a increase of about 2 hours per day for extracurricular activities. Some could do lunch duty or provide extra help, others could do more hours for part of the year when they volunteer more, and then less for other parts of the year.

Teachers DO supervise lunches and recess. They take turns on lunchroom/yard duty, at least in the Waterloo board.

If teachers want to view themselves as professionals, then I would say most professionals take work home and work late periodically and they think about and plan for work problems while at home.

Do you honestly think they don't do that? They stay late, take work home, and go in on weekends ALL. THE. TIME. PD days aren't days off either; they are literally "Professional Development" days. They have to take classes and get certifications renewed. And that "nine-week summer vacation" they get? Much of that is spent planning courses for the following year and decorating classrooms so your kids have somewhere welcoming to go every day--when they aren't going to more courses and getting more certificates.

Would you want to work a full day at work, only to have your boss tell you that you are going to coach his son's sports team free of charge as soon as you punch out? Neither would I.
Teachers DO supervise lunches and recess. They take turns on lunchroom/yard duty, at least in the Waterloo board.

Do you honestly think they don't do that? They stay late, take work home, and go in on weekends ALL. THE. TIME. PD days aren't days off either; they are literally "Professional Development" days. They have to take classes and get certifications renewed. And that "nine-week summer vacation" they get? Much of that is spent planning courses for the following year and decorating classrooms so your kids have somewhere welcoming to go every day--when they aren't going to more courses and getting more certificates.

Would you want to work a full day at work, only to have your boss tell you that you are going to coach his son's sports team free of charge as soon as you punch out? Neither would I.
Good points, but I think you'll find any semblance of accurately portraying teachers' work to be unwelcome here.
I thought this was an interesting article in The Financial Post by an employment and labour lawyer. Whether you agree or disagree with it, it's sure to open up more discussion on this touchy subject.

Teachers should earn their high pay

Howard Levitt | Jan 16, 2013 7:41 AM ET | Last Updated: Jan 16, 2013 10:34 AM ET

In an earlier column, I noted that Ontario elementary school public teachers earn an average $78 an hour, based on the hours their collective agreement requires them to work. That was incorrect.

By my calculations, when all is said and done, their hourly earnings are closer to $150. Extrapolate $150 into most taxpayers’ 40-hour work week and they would receive an annual salary of about $312,000, essentially what the prime minister earns and about double that of an ordinary Member of Parliament. In fact, it would make teachers, on an hourly basis, the highest paid profession in the land.

To put it in perspective, the average Canadian aerospace engineer earns about half of this, at $40 per hour; veterinarians $38; civil engineers $37; HR specialists $28; Web designers and developers $25; and journalists, I am afraid to say, just $24, less than one-third of this group.

Teachers’ wages are so high because their agreements require them to work so few hours each day and so few days each year and because of very generous benefits, particularly pensions.

While there are some teachers who put in more than the required hours, others do only what is required. Canadian teachers are the second-highest paid in the world, earning about double the OECD average and far more than their U.S. colleagues. This is despite dramatically shorter school days and years than most other countries, a 2011 study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development indicates.

While the average Canadian earns about $45,000 a year, for some years teachers have been receiving annual increases of 3% or so, ostensibly negotiated, as well as compounded amounts as they, like many other unionized employees, hit the higher steps of their seniority grid.

This also compounds their pensions. Fully qualified teachers can retire with 70% of the average of their best five years of earnings, inflation adjusted for life, as soon as their age plus years of service total 85. This can occur as early as age 53. The average teacher retires at age 58. In some circumstances, teachers can buy years of pension service at amounts, according to the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, of approximately $1 paid for every $6 ultimately collected. Although teachers do contribute to their pension plans, a significant amount is paid by taxpayers.

This pension deficit will increase along with low interest rates and longer life expectancies. Newly retiring teachers are expected to receive pensions for longer than they worked, Bill Tufts and Lee Fairbanks write in Pension Ponzi. I strongly recommend reading their analysis of this issue.

This takes us to last week’s standoff between the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario and the Ontario government. The teachers’ union called for what is clearly an illegal strike to protest Bill 115. Rather than let them do so, sue the union, fire any employed organizers and discipline every teacher who refused to work, Premier Dalton McGuinty gave the union an out, by having the Ontario Labour Relations Board make the predictable declaration of an illegal strike, knowing the union would back away. The school boards were equally callow, closing schools rather than calling in replacement teachers and disciplining any teacher who did not show up for work. This is not the way to restore stability in our schools and no way to stop the teachers’ union from continuing to play hostage with parents and students.

As a labour lawyer concerned about the state of our country’s and province’s finances, I suggest the following way government should handle this issue:

— Leave teachers’ salaries at existing levels, but require them to earn them. Increase their required hours a day to eight and their weeks worked a year to 48. That will allow reduced class sizes, fewer teachers and better education for our young people. The teachers we want to retain, those who already put in a full day’s work, should have no issue with this.

— Change the defined-benefit pension plan to defined contribution, which is virtually what all private-sector Canadians have, if they have pensions at all. That way pension earnings are based only on the amount of money in their plan. This should occur immediately as teachers’ (and public service) pensions are already unaffordable to Canadians.

— Rewrite the collective agreements to permit discharge of incompetent teachers and make their wages dependent, to a large extent, on their skills.

— Do not permit fully pensioned retirement before age 65 at least. Why should we be losing so many of our best, most skilled teachers and then permitting them to come back and work while maintaining full pensions?

— Revise labour relations acts so as to prohibit teachers from unionizing. The present model does not work to produce leaders of the future or even creative, well-rounded individuals. The unleashing of creativity and educational reform won’t begin until this occurs.

Although in my view this would survive a Charter challenge, it will not occur because the Ontario government is too beholden to the teachers, even now, and its likely successors, either in the Liberal leadership race or the opposition, don’t have the necessary toughness to see it through.

Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces and is author of “The Law of Hiring in Canada.”

Oh, where do I begin?

- Teachers are already close to working eight hours a day. They get in at 8:30 or sooner, classes last till well beyond 3, and they're usually there much longer wrapping up the day--before taking work home.

Don't permit retirement before 65? A few years ago school boards were encouraging it to make room for the young ones.

The last point is the point he really wants to make--kill the union. First it's the teacher's union, then it's the transit union, then the other public servants, and as soon as they've fattened themselves on those conquests they'll turn their attentions to the biggest one of all: the CAW.
Do you honestly think they don't do that? They stay late, take work home, and go in on weekends ALL. THE. TIME. PD days aren't days off either; they are literally "Professional Development" days. They have to take classes and get certifications renewed. And that "nine-week summer vacation" they get? Much of that is spent planning courses for the following year and decorating classrooms so your kids have somewhere welcoming to go every day--when they aren't going to more courses and getting more certificates.

Would you want to work a full day at work, only to have your boss tell you that you are going to coach his son's sports team free of charge as soon as you punch out? Neither would I.

If most teachers work the 80 hour weeks that you suggest, then they should have no problem with a requirement for a reasonable 40 hour week. They should even be happy that the "small" percentage of "lazy" teachers that put in the bare minimum hours would be forced to do their share. I do not know what the exact number of hours should be, put somehow their time should be accounted for. I do not think that the current "work to rule" minimum of about 5 hours is adequate.
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Five hours? If they have to be there at 8:30 and leave at 3:30 at the earliest that's about seven hours. They have to take turns skipping lunch so they can do supervision duties, and sometimes have to be in even sooner to supervise kids as they arrive--and stay late to make sure they leave safely. This isn't something that "lazy" teachers get out of; this is mandatory, and they don't get paid extra for it. They would probably like that, though!

The "80-hour" week you think I'm suggesting is mostly unpaid because most of those hours are spent doing work at home. Then they get staff meetings, special ed planning, parent interviews--all unpaid. The planning time set aside during the day is not nearly adequate for getting their work done.

If this is such an easy job to slack off in, why haven't you tried it?
