What the heck? This timeline seems unreasonable: sometimes I think Toronto deserves to have its transit design and build capabilities removed entirely.
The problem goes back to council as they are the ones who set the budget for all departments and to keep funding TTC as low as possible. At the same time, the same council members sit on TTC commission with no real understanding how TTC should be run, hold TTC staff feet to the fire, too much bean counting, no real long range of transit planning and funding nor fight for the funding TTC at council level.
Then if TTC has a real transit plan, has real free funding from the province, they go out the window who becomes mayor.
1908 saw the funding to build the DRL subject been approved by the residents of the city which did in 1910 only to have an anti transit mayor elected to kill the approved plan and funding to the point it still not built 111 years later.
TTC wanted the Queen line built when the Yonge line was to be built, but the Feds pull the funding. In the 60's TTC wanted the Queen Line built but were told no as the Yonge Line extension to North York was to be built first.
The 70's saw the Province force the SRT onto TTC as it was build it or no more funding from the Province.
In 2003, the Liberals plan of paying for more transit that they brought out the wish list of projects in 2007 that they would pay for 100%. Recession hit forcing projects scale back to phases for the next 10 years as money came forth to bill them. 2010 saw the Ford brother elected who kill all surface transit and looked at subway as the only option regardless how costly they were and how few they would service.
2014 saw the smart track mayor elected and no tracks are in place for it today.
2004-06 Waterfront Toronto did a Waterfront Transit Master that was approved at all levels only to see various lines removed from that plan over the years by TTC and Toronto as some lines were too costly or too far out
2010 saw the approval of the QQE, but TTC had no funds to deal with Union Loop and it has gone under a number of reviews to where we are today.
After dealing with TTC since 2004 and Metrolinx since 2006, transit planning is for the birds and the whim of who is in power and who can control it as well the funding of it.
There been only 2 general manager/CEO since the early 90's that have been worth their weight to do something for TTC as the rest were marking time to the retirement date or not worth having at all as they were yes men.
Metrolinx has turn out as I expected when it was only a Bill as it is control by the Province and MTO. The current CEO for Metrolinx is the right person, but hands are tied how he wants to do things.
TTC has too many staff long in the tooth, out data thinking and the Waterfront Transit Plan is a good example of it.
The City has been unwilling to raise taxes like everyone around them to the point things are falling apart faster than they can built them and this includes transit. TTC had 252 streetcars in 2005 when the LRV's were to be order. Today we have only 203, yet the city has not only grown more than 10% that it needs another 100 cars, the accessibility community can now ride streetcars where they couldn't before along with strollers and bike that take up more space than the 252 cars of the old fleet and force today riders to wait for a car to show up that they can get on.
A fair number on this board will not be around when some of the current plans get built with most of the board gone before the meat for the system is built.
The next 10 years should see not only the building of the QQE, but the Cherry/Commissioner line, Exhibition to Park lawn, Eglinton East/West extension, beefing up all transit lines with a number of BRT lines and the list goes on. Subway are great if you have the ridership and growth to support it in the first place as well to the right place since they cost 3-4 times more than other options.
GO Transit Rail is not going to service everyone nor get them to where they need to go in the first place, but it has to be the backbone of the transit network.