Senior Member
St Marys VIA station was purchased in the 1980's by the Town of St Marys due to a threat of abandonment and demolition. In 1988 they completed an extensive restoration of the 1907 station building. Thanks to the town's management, the station continues to be staffed despite only having 2 trains per day in each direction, whereas most other minor VIA stations lost their staff in the 2012 cuts. The station building is used as the town's visitor information centre, so the staff doesn't just sell train tickets and assist train travellers, they also provide information and sell stuff to visitors who arrive by car.One thing to consider is having VIA transfer ownership and responsibility of stations that they own outside of the corridor to the local government. Those non-corridor stations are underutilized and the local government is better able to find alternate uses for the station when not needed by VIA.
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