The $75M overall price tag makes me think that there wasn’t much work being done to add track....$75M doesnt stretch very far if it includes stations, rolling stock, etc. So likely the trains would have used CN’s capacity and rails rather than being a new line parallel to the CN mainline. One can see why CN would insist on keeping control of the use of their tracks.
I thought that the map that came out recently about the Halton Sub was a big win for ML because it captured the work that ML had funded in the past, which CN would not have considered or invested in absent GO Transit. We need this overview on all our discussions about shared use of freight lines. CN doesn’t need more capacity near Halifax - in fact they have torn out a lot of stuff from past decades. So they are likely not proposing things just to benefit themselves. (OK, maybe they slipped a little bit of stuff in, but that’s just greasing the wheels......).
- Paul