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Urban Shocker's Neighbourhood Watch

Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

I have not - It's all still ringed with fencing and equipment for the subway, it's hard to rubberneck in there right now.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

Welcome back Brian. You're in the renamed AP and BB Thread now and nothing bad will happen to you.

I haven't been to Bayreuth, no. Perhaps my colleague has?
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

No never. Though the Times had a weeks worth of coverage of this years Bayeruth Festival earlier in the summer.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

It is soooo expensive too.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

Seasons' tickets put my companion and I into Ring 3 along the side, likely the left, close to the stage. Our seats swivel. While I am eager to try them out, I am somewhat skeptical of the location. I won't know if I am happy until November 5th though, so I will put it out of my mind until then; there are plenty of other things diverting me presently...

Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

I had to change my Cosi date, and I ended up on the arm of Ring 3 too - seat 17 or something on the second Thursday. I'm in Ring 4 for the rest of the season.

I went to one of the celebratory concerts partly because tickets were cheaper than during the regular season at the Orchestra level, and partly to hear how the hall sounds from different locations.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

My season tickets have me right in dead centre. My Ring seat is two seats away from my ballet season tickets, which are more to the left, but in the front row. The best seats I have are for Opera Atelier - front row balcony, centre.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

Toronto's cultural landscape would be an arrid, impoverished wasteland without us.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

We are Toronto's cultural landscape.

I do hope to lose another 10 lbs however.

Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

I'm always 5 or 10 pounds lighter in the summer. I eat less when the weather is hot and humid. Maybe I'll get central air installed in the Summer Palace next year.

At the Symphony I'm in the balcony again. Next year I'm moving down to orchestra level though. I think I'm developing a fear of heights.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

"Welcome back Brian"

Many thanks, kind sir. That's quite meaningful coming from you. Sincerely.

"nothing bad will happen to you"

Natch - how could anything bad happen whilst nestled so securely 'neath your ever-nurturing wing?

"I think I'm developing a fear of heights."

Oh, dear - that could turn out to be a huge problem, given your entirely merited perma-perch high above us pitiful mortals.

re Bayreuth: "It is soooo expensive"

What are we talkin' here? Like, crazy? Thousands n' thousands o' $, or quoi? Though surely this is THE ne-plus-ultra for a Wagnerian fanatic, no? And an utterly unique experience, to boot? A pilgrimage of sorts that kinda 'MUST' be done, cost be damned? Rather akin to the Hajj? How deep does/doesn't devotion to Rick-Hard & His Four Resoundin' Rings run with you bunch? Hell, even I'd consider a long-term saving-up project to fund it, and I'm almost certainly a complete opera novice compared to many. Does anyone have a loose plan to try to go someday? I know the non-VIP wait list is loooong...


"Our seats swivel."

Really? They literally "swivel", or have I misunderstood? Is this common in other opera houses? If they do indeed actually swivel, then I trust they do so very, very quietly! As I understand it, the acoustics in there are very much on the 'bright' side - great sound, but one can hear all the rustling of programs and such, as in Seattle for instance. Seems there's potentially a pretty obvious problem here if swivelling seats start creaking or squeaking or something.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

My understanding is that there is a years long waiting list for Bayeruth. I have no particular desire to go, but you're welcome to put yourself on the list, Brian.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

Brian: I have not sat in the swivelling seats yet, so I do not know if they make any noise at all. One would hope there would be a bucket of grease at the ready were a squeak to enamate from anywhere but the orchestra pit or stage. Meanwhile, I can be a bit restless when seated for hours in theatres and cinemas, so a swivelling chair may not be the best idea for me: I may end up distracting those around me if I am given too much freedom to move.

I believe that those seated even further along the arms will have free-standing chairs, presumably resting on noiseless felt pads. Those people should be able to pick said chairs up and throw them should some offence be registered, so hopefully those finding themselves that close to the stage will have first been subjected to psychological screening. Just a thought...

Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

The moveable chairs were a design issue identified at the open houses back in June. No felt pads, and they made a helluva noise when moved on the hardwood floors.
Re: What kind of forum member knows no fear?

Brian: You obviously mistake me for a Wagner circuit queen.

ap and interchange: I'm in Row A, Seat 314 for Cosi. I think that's the 14th seat in from the left side. Will babel get to swivel, d'ya know?
