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Unhappy Ontario PCs push to oust Tory



The knives are starting to some out...

Unhappy Ontario PCs push to oust Tory

The Canadian Press
January 7, 2008 at 11:49 AM EST
TORONTO — Disgruntled Conservatives who want to oust leader John Tory are being deliberately shut out of the party's annual meeting next month, the group's leader said Monday.

The party members have stepped up their bid to trigger a leadership review in the face of the party's disastrous Oct. 10 election campaign, considered by some to be the party's worst ever.

Rueben Devlin, the party's former president and one of the group's leaders, said many members have joined the grassroots group because they feel they are being deliberately shut out of the delegate selection process for the party's annual meeting in February.

The party is supposed to give 15 days notice of delegate selection meetings in each riding, but some party veterans have had trouble finding out about their meetings while others say their names have been left off the local riding association list.

“To try and keep this a secret, to keep lists a secret, does not speak to your belief in neutrality,†Mr. Devlin said. “Democracy is not only about supporting those people who support you. It's about supporting those people who disagree with you.â€

The party's annual meeting and vote on holding a leadership review will be completely driven by Mr. Tory, so delegate selection meetings are the only opportunity some members have to express their concerns, Mr. Devlin said.

Mr. Tory has faced criticism from some Conservatives since the party's loss in October, but Mr. Devlin's efforts mark the first concerted effort to dump Mr. Tory in advance of the Feb. 22 annual meeting.

The Conservative election campaign was “disorganized, unfocused and weak†and Mr. Tory has to take responsibility for the loss, Mr. Devlin said.

“The leader is accountable for everything,†he said. “The leader selects the people who surround him. The leader signs off on the policies. The leader is the person who makes those final decisions, just like the CEO of a company.â€

Mr. Tory's staunch support for the party's unpopular proposal to fund all religious schools was just one of the mistakes made in the election, Mr. Devlin said. Mr. Tory went into the election thinking he was “going to win by default,†said a position paper released by Mr. Devlin's group.

Using the same language the Conservatives often use to attack the Liberals, the group said, “Voters saw that John was willing to say and do anything to get elected.â€

“Overconfident in his own judgment, John Tory woefully underestimated the effectiveness of the Ontario Liberals and we all paid a very costly political price,†the paper said.

The group's website — — urges members to “send a clear message to our leader†by voting in favour of a leadership review at next month's annual meeting.

While the group said they respect Mr. Tory “and appreciate his service to the party,†they don't believe he's the right person to lead the party into the next election.

Mr. Tory has been travelling the province talking to party members and has vowed to stay on as leader.
I'm not a supporter of the Conservatives at all and his plan to fund religious schools was way off target, but Tory seems to be a decent guy... far too polite to be in politics. Maybe he can find another way to contribute to the building of this city / province...
Well I voted Conservative (for the first time ever) BECAUSE of Tory. He's by far the most genuine, sincere, and honest politician I can remember being able to vote for. Unfortunately, living in central Toronto, I basically through my vote away. Didn't matter anyway because the Liberals were a shoe in and the NDP thankfully had no chance of winning. :)
Based on his record, Tory should have generated great concern for the Liberals - who seemed to be sleep-walking at the time. What is so odd then is that Tory made such a colossal misjudgment when it came to what issue to run on. It's still rather perplexing. Nevertheless, he deserved to lose on the basis of his chosen election issues, imo.
He's by far the most genuine, sincere, and honest politician I can remember being able to vote for.

Don't believe that for a second. When I worked at Rogers (ughhh) he was always walking around shaking hands with other employees and having a good old time. I thought 'what a nice guy' and approached him several days later if he would like to donate for a charity run I entered. He signed up for $100. I was floored and showed everyone in the office. After the run was completed, I collected on all my donations. Everyone paid up except for Tory. When I approached him again, I was kicked out of the executive suite and my career at Rogers was all but done. I did however raise $1200. for Cancer Research. I hope the PC Party is successful ditching this guy. He blew a wasted opportunity during the last election. What a loser.
He was a real disappointment. The religious schools matter was not only made "an" issue, it was made "the" issue. For the sake of appealing to, say, 5% of the electorate, he threw away half or more of them.

What a waste of potential. Tory is the first leader of the Conservatives in a while to originate from the GTA, and he would have been well positioned to put forward an urban agenda that would make sense. He had credibility from his run at the Toronto mayor's job. On top of that, he faced a government who are not exactly the most impressive bunch ever.

With all that, he blew it. I think he should go.
What credibility did John Tory have if he lost that municipal election?

If I was an elected Conservation MPP, I wouldn't want to be led by a man who couldn't even win the riding.
he is a nice guy, or thats why conservatives say...

But he is a terribile politician...
I thought Tory was the perfect leader for the Conservatives, one who could really help them make inroads into Ontario. Once the election rolled around he seemed completely out of his league. He seemed like nothing more than a puppet for a party that really had no clear direction.
Tory may be a nice guy - I don't know. However, it seems pretty clear that the man has awful political instincts and terrible judgement.

If the faith-based schools wasn't enough. . . This is the guy who made Chretien's facial disability an issue in Kim Campbell's campaign for prime minister which pretty much destroyed the federal Progressive Conservative party.

Some people just need to realize that they just aren't very good at certain things. . .
I don't care if the man is as saintly as Jesus Christ (what a bad comparison)....

He sucks at being a politician and as a good leader and really Mcguinty still sucks but he has really improved his skills.
Political parties want effective politicians. McGuinty achieved party leadership and has won two elections. One can assume he has been considered as an effective politician.
McGuinty, however, lost the 1999 election to Mike Harris. He faced a lot of criticism after that.
Did he really though?

Few political leaders on the the PC or Liberal side of things win their first election. Moreover, Mike Harris was still extremely popular in almost all parts of Ontario in 1999 (save Toronto, Windsor, Hamilton and parts of the north). Despite a hope by many that McGuinty could topple the Harrisites that year, I don't think anyone of any political credibility expected him to actually do so.
