That sounds about right. But that would mean they can only squeeze 214 cars in the 3 existing yards. TTC previously said they could do 264. Not that they haven't mislead before.
If they only need space for 10 extra cars, there is probably a few places they could park them at night. Exhibition loop. Hillcrest. Heck, they could park them along the tracks at St. Clair if everyone would agree that emergency vehicles don't actually drive down the tracks. Bay tunnel. Could drop 300 metres of temporary storage track somewhere.
Another thought is that there are at least 15 cars in service at all times (on 301, 304, 306, and 317). If TTC was right about 264, perhaps we could hit 279 before having to worry about storage.
Interesting to see that 4435 is shipping at least a week early. Perhaps there is hope - especially after the second production line starts pumping out vehicles this fall.