^that is for the LRT LRVs, not the Streetcar program.
I fully realize that, but it had direct implications for the TTC fleet, in a number of ways, not the least the sound of the whip cracking. I'm astounded how BBD can cry "breach of contract if they do it" so readily when they've brought it on themselves. You can bet the TTC brass are glued to the screen for more details on this. The two orders are really one, but done as a transferred option from the TTC order.^that is for the LRT LRVs, not the Streetcar program.
^that is for the LRT LRVs, not the Streetcar program.
Bombardier completes first delivery of horse-drawn omnibuses to TTC
nice so now they are resorting to the silent treatment....way to go children....
where the media is concerned yes. My guess would be that since there are possible litigations between Bombardier and the TTC they are keeping silent on it so there's isn't anything that can be used as evidence against them other than what they present to the TTC
Time flies, we all know that....but 37 years? Feels like ten or fifteen...yikes.37 years ago today, the CLRV entered service on 507 Long Branch.
37 years ago today, the CLRV entered service on 507 Long Branch.
I've always been curious of the interior colour scheme of the mock up. Was it similar to what we got with the CLRVs?Scary. I was around then. I remember the exhibition (sample) mockup car at the CNE.