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TTC: Customer Service

Though if you press All Stops, it's there right at the top, with the 301 still listed as stopping there. It's also still listed as a 502 stop -

So is it simply an error in the database for the 501 and correct for the 301 and 502? Or has the stop physically been removed and the 301 and 502 haven't been updated properly?

For about two weeks there was an out of service post on the sign, but now the sign is completely gone. The system still announces it, though some operators are pausing the announcements after Bay until after passing York.
So is it simply an error in the database for the 501 and correct for the 301 and 502? Or has the stop physically been removed and the 301 and 502 haven't been updated properly?

It's been randomly in and out of service for over a year. None of the drivers seem to know why.
This means no westbound stops between bay and university, but 3 stops between university and John.
It's been randomly in and out of service for over a year. None of the drivers seem to know why.
This means no westbound stops between bay and university, but 3 stops between university and John.
The 2013 edition of TO In-View is now available and it appears that the TTC will be making curb cuts at stops (primarily) along Queen Street (I assume something needed for the new streetcars). They are not making one at Queen and York - which may mean they have been looking at all the stop locations and they have decided this one is superfluous. See
The 2013 edition of TO In-View is now available and it appears that the TTC will be making curb cuts at stops (primarily) along Queen Street (I assume something needed for the new streetcars). They are not making one at Queen and York - which may mean they have been looking at all the stop locations and they have decided this one is superfluous. See

Even though the stop has been removed, my streetcar stopped there this morning to let passengers on.

Let's hear the driver's version of events before making any assumptions. It's amazing how self centred some people are. My friend never needs the bus lowered for her stroller, its small enough to lift up onto the bus, and when the bus is full she folds the stroller up! These strollers are a danger, they block the aisle, people trip over them and i have had my foot run over by a careless stroller driver!!

It will be interesting to know the drivers side of this story, i have a feeling she may have left out a few words in this story ;)
I have often seen drivers assist people with strollers. But I have also seen some rude drivers who go off on someone at the slightest provocation.
I have often seen drivers assist people with strollers. But I have also seen some rude drivers who go off on someone at the slightest provocation.
Yes, the TTC appears to employ real human beings who sometimes have ''bad days". In this case, as in all cases, we really need to hear both sides before rushing to judgement. I too have seen great operators and poor ones but also seen passengers being totally unreasonable and beligerant.
Yes, the TTC appears to employ real human beings who sometimes have ''bad days". In this case, as in all cases, we really need to hear both sides before rushing to judgement. I too have seen great operators and poor ones but also seen passengers being totally unreasonable and beligerant.

I don't know all the facts with this particular incident, but justifying rude behaviour on the part of a TTC employee (or any customer service employee) because they are having a "bad day" is completely unacceptable. If you are employed in a position where you serve the public you have to be nice (or at least polite) all the time. Yes, customers are sometimes rude, unreasonable, or verbally abusive, but part of the job is being able to deal with such people without losing your cool yourself. If the TTC driver said those things, he should be reprimanded (regardless of anything she might have said to him).
I don't know all the facts with this particular incident, but justifying rude behaviour on the part of a TTC employee (or any customer service employee) because they are having a "bad day" is completely unacceptable. If you are employed in a position where you serve the public you have to be nice (or at least polite) all the time. Yes, customers are sometimes rude, unreasonable, or verbally abusive, but part of the job is being able to deal with such people without losing your cool yourself. If the TTC driver said those things, he should be reprimanded (regardless of anything she might have said to him).
I was not justifying rude behaviour - I was suggesting that we need more facts before rushing to judgement.
I'm still at a loss to why she needed to use the ramp if her stroller was small.

I've lifted stroller up and down streetcars, which did not have ramps, sidewalks, steps of homes, snowbanks, etc.. Using a ramp too many times could also make them fail, I would tend to avoid using them so as not to put the buses out of service. Also, hate the noise as they move up and down, too loud.
TTC: Eight TTC transit enforcement officers dismissed, five face criminal charges

A four-month long investigation by the Toronto Transit Commission, with the assistance of the Toronto Police Service, today culminated in the dismissal of eight TTC transit enforcement officers, five of whom were arrested and face numerous charges of attempt to obstruct justice and fabricate evidence. All are employees of the TTC.

It is alleged that five officers submitted false provincial offences tickets to individuals of no fixed address for offenses such as solicitation on TTC property (panhandling), loitering or trespassing. Evidence gathered through the investigation alleges that the officers in question were not at the locations where these falsified tickets were supposed to have been issued.
For the record, here is TTC's Customer Service Report from Friday - perhaps the worst day since they started publishing these (and for good reason!).

Service:Our target:Actual:
YUS Subway96%84%
BD Subway96%89%
Sheppard Subway96%100%
Scarborough RT96%81%
I guess the Sheppard subway wins! And bus seems to have suffered far worse than streetcar - though I guess all the cars parked on rail issues didn't really start until the following day.
