Senior Member
^Geez, we aren’t committing a social faux-pas here. the word was invented by people specifically to describe a difference that is observable and communicates useful (if cautionary) information.
It was not rooted in racism, anti-disabilityism, or any other less honorable vestige of some historical social inequity.
There may be some stigma to the term, at least to the degree that some element of the hobby is found to be less credible as advocates, and/or behaves in ways that are annoying to others. Which I believe was the point being made about enthusiasts taking up more than their share of the bandwidth which the TTC was offering the public by running PCC’s on weekends.
I don’t find the term any more objectionable than say ‘conspiracy theorist’, although I might well use the term dismissively to reject their argument on its face. But then, I admit to being both things ;-)
- Paul
And, that's what I was saying. The PCC event, was interesting. Foamer isn't a word meant to bully or make fun of people, simply all the word is describing people who are "a little over the top or have an excessive" interest here in the transit community. Keep this in mind!