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Triumph, The (1971 Lakeshore Rd W, Mississauga, 15s, Makow Assoc. Architect)

Things in Clarkson just got a little more exciting.

A new condominium tower is on its way to Clarkson at 1971 Lakeshore Road West. The story behind this development may be as interesting as the building itself.

With the plan originally being submitted to the city of Mississauga in 2005, it took more than six years and many legal battles to push this development through.

Submitted as an 18 storey condominium tower, the owner (607074 Ontario Limited), along with Makow Associates Architect Inc., took the city of Mississauga to the Ontario Municipal Board after the city unanimously voted down the proposal in 2009. The owners then changed their proposal to a 15-storey tower with 124 units. The site is currently home to a restaurant called ‘The Satellite’, a unique circular style restaurant. The builder hopes to incorporate the form and style of the restaurant into the new tower.

OMB member J.E. Sniezek agreed with the owners. Sniezek approved the proposal despite the city having mixed feelings as to whether the tower would blend well into the area.

“The Board finds that the proposal represents ‘good planning and is in the public interest,†said Sniezek in a statement.

“The proposed building provides an adequate transition and does not offend the policies in the Mississauga Plan and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan. The proposal will provide transit supportive development densities in a node with excellent transit service connections and access.â€

Sniezek added that the Board finds that a height of 15 storeys would not be an observable difference from the ground when compared to the building across the street. More than that, the new structure would function as a gateway feature and provide adequate protection for abutting uses, minimize shadow and overlook conditions.

The city had hoped for something significantly smaller, such as a six storey residential and commercial building.

Local councilor Pat Mullen was not happy with the OMB’s decision.

“I’m very upset,†she said.

“This is the power of the OMB to take over a community and parachute something unwanted in that in no way reflects the community,†she added in conversation with the Mississauga News.

This is not the first time that Mullen has taken aim at the OMB. Two months ago, Mullen tabled a motion to ask the Ontario Government to disband the board. Mississauga City Council voted unanimously in favor of that motion.

“Municipal councilors make decisions on planning matters based on personal knowledge of the community (and its potential,) that go beyond the confines of the planning ac,†Mullen added.
NIMBY residents and the populist politicians who represent them are exactly why we need the OMB.

The design, which can be viewed here under 'Condominiums,' isn't stellar, but it meets the street nicely and steps back in a way which shouldn't overwhelm the street. What's more, the site is within easy walking distance of the Clarkson GO Station making this proposal conform with the provincial Growth Plan and Places to Grow Act. If Mrs. Mullen were to have her way, I wonder which 'reflection of the community' her iteration would reference: the 'towers-in-a-park,' the 'sprawling-autocentric-townhouses' or the 'bland-faceless-suburbia?'
I think there is a thread for this project already.

Pat Mullen needs to go, as she is the most NIMBY person on council these days.

She wants Clarkson to remain a horse and buggy area and a area for cars with single homes for them.

I supported this development from day one. Nice to see it go ahead even with the reduction of 3 floors.

Across the street from this site, they are finishing up single Townhouses complex in the range of 2,500 sq ft that should have been lowrise-midrise. This is one area retail at the based would not work.

I am appearing before council on Wednesday to request the cancellation of 2 bus routes, as it only carries 35 riders a day at a cost of $16.50 per rider, funded by the city. I know Pat will have a fit over this, but both routes have million dollars homes along them or close to them on 1 to 5 acres with very few kids using the routes. Another Forest Hill Route in Toronto. Density cannot support transit in the first place in Pat ward today nor 20 years from now.

As it stands today, 40% of Mississauga cannot support transit due to low density and only having a few areas for high density.

If I understand correct, J.E. Sniezek who is the Commissioner of Planning and Development is retiring and that will be a great lost. He is a pro development for better land use and taller building who goes against city council views most of the time and back his staff on these projects. This is one of them
I live on Walden Circle, in the 11-storey condo at the back next to the railroad tracks (I think it was built in the late 80s).
I don't really see what the problem is. You have an even taller older condo directly across the street facing this site, a new tall condo facing Southdown, and an old tall apartment building on Walden Circle near the pedestrian bridge. Then across Lakeshore, just past the plaza, you have two tall apartment buildings. It's absolutely the perfect place for 15 storey condo. A shorter condo is going up right now at the east corner of Walden Circle and Lakeshore.

The only problem I see is traffic in the area. When people are driving to work or driving home, the intersection of Southdown and Lakeshore is very crowded, so I'd like to see if they could do anything about traffic lights in the area. But I love the idea of retail at grade. That's a great walkable area for most people who will live there.
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I live on Walden Circle, in the 11-storey condo at the back next to the railroad tracks (I think it was built in the late 80s).
I don't really see what the problem is. You have an even taller older condo directly across the street facing this site, a new tall condo facing Southdown, and an old tall apartment building on Walden Circle near the pedestrian bridge. Then across Lakeshore, just past the plaza, you have two tall apartment buildings. It's absolutely the perfect place for 15 storey condo. A shorter condo is going up right now at the east corner of Walden Circle and Lakeshore.

The only problem I see is traffic in the area. When people are driving to work or driving home, the intersection of Southdown and Lakeshore is very crowded, so I'd like to see if they could do anything about traffic lights in the area. But I love the idea of retail at grade. That's a great walkable area for most people who will live there.

The biggest bitch was shadowing on the tennis court as well the east side being too close to the property line which was not.

It was also the showcase how areas should be built based on the 1980's urban ward and tall building didn't cut it.

I am surprise you don't know about the issues since you live there. Were you not part of the 150 who show up at the planning committee at council to see the full council refused staff report and support for it in the first place?

Poor transit service in this area will not deal with the traffic issue that there now.
The biggest bitch was shadowing on the tennis court as well the east side being too close to the property line which was not.

I am surprise you don't know about the issues since you live there. Were you not part of the 150 who show up at the planning committee at council to see the full council refused staff report and support for it in the first place?

Poor transit service in this area will not deal with the traffic issue that there now.

I didn't go to any meetings because I approve of the project based on the details I'd read on the sign that was posted. I'm also not an owner -- my father owns the condo. As well, my building is 1110 Walden Circle, so other than driving past this new condo during construction, it won't affect my quality of life (that's why I just mentioned the traffic during rush hour as the only problem I see).

I don't think they should bother keeping the Satellite though, if that's even part of the design. That place is a dump and was always a weird restaurant. My brother got sick from the food the one time he ate there. lol. And now it has those handwritten signs outside that make it look really sketchy.

What I like about the retail component, and the intensification of the area, is that you'll have more pedestrians on the ground in the area using the local stores, rather than immediately driving in their cars to go do errands.
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According to the Clarkson Village study presented Monday night to Planning and Development Committee, this project was approved by OMB on Aug 25, 2011 at 15 storey.

The site is to require Special Site provision and waiting completion of section 37 with the developer. Once done, Official Plan and Zoning By-laws can take place.

This area is to be known as West Gateway Precinct.
Mod's The project is now call The Triumph with web at The Triumph (1971 Lakeshore Road West Mississauga, 15s, Makow Assoc. Architect)

The tables at Satellite Restaurant are setup but no one at home with some power tools in the back.


There is a special council meeting to direct staff to attend an OMB hearing to stop the increase of units to 150
May 16 Council meeting.
0115-2012 Moved By: P. Mullin Seconded By: R. Starr
WHEREAS a motion was added to the Council agenda on May 9,2012 related
to a decision released on August 2, 2011 by the Ontario Municipal Board
proposing amendments to Zoning By-law 0225-2007 and the Official Plan for the
City of Mississauga at 1960 and 1971 Lakeshore Road West, to increase the
number of units to 150, under OMB File No. PL091134;
AND WHEREAS resolution 0113-2012 passed by Council on May 9,2012
incorrectly stated the number of units being requested;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the matter of the request to increase
the number of units to 150 at 1960 and 1971 Lakeshore Road West, be
0116-2012 Moved By: P. Mullin Seconded By: N. lannicca
WHEREAS a motion was added to the Council agenda on May 9,2012 related
to a decision released on August 2, 2011 by the Ontario MuniCipal Board
proposing amendments to Zoning By-law 0225-2007 and the Official Plan for the
City of Mississauga at 1960 and 1971 Lakeshore Road West, to increase the
number of units to 150, under OMB File No. PL091134;
AND WHEREAS resolution 0113-2012 passed by Council on May 9,2012
incorrectly stated the number of units being requested;
Council Minutes 3 May 16, 2012
AND WHEREAS the increased number of units should have stated 142 instead
of 150;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that resolution 0113-2012 be repealed
and that a revised motion be brought forward.
0117-2012 Moved By: R. Starr Seconded By: N. lannicca
WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board released a decision on August 2, 2011,
respecting proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 0225-2007 and the Official
Plan for the City of Mississauga at 1969 and 1971 Lakeshore Road West, under
OMB File No. PL091134;
AND WHEREAS that decision references a 15 storey, 124 unit apartment
AND WHEREAS the appellant has asked the Board to approve an increase to
142 units;
AND WHEREAS the draft zoning by-law and Corporate Report dated November
2009 contemplated a maximum of 113 units;
AND WHEREAS several transportation and parking reduction reports were based
on a 113 unit apartment building;
AND WHEREAS there has been no planning rationale or parking analysis
undertaken to identify the impact on the City's infrastructure of the increased
density and cars associated with this proposed increase from 113 units to 142
1. Legal Services be instructed to OPPOSE the request to increase
the number of units at 1969 and 1971 Lakeshore Road West
(OMB File No. PL091134) to 142, and, if necessary, to attend
before the Ontario Municipal Board with any required staff and/or
consultants to represent the City of Mississauga.


Proj: 9112410-7

Mississauga, Peel Reg ON

Triumph, 1969 & 1971 Lakeshore Rd W, L5J 1J6

$15,000,000 est


Architect is seeking municipal rezoning and site plan approvals. The municipal rezoning submission has been forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board. Preliminary plans are ongoing. Working drawings, tender for the general contractor and construction schedules will be finalized when approvals are secured. Further update early 2013.


proposed construction of a 10 storey condominium apartment building that steps up to 13 storeys to the rear of the building. The project will have 113 suites and 5,858 square feet of commercial space at grade level. Also included will be 3 storeys of below grade parking and grade level parking for a total of 230 spaces.


11,955 m²; 15 storeys; 3 storeys below grade; 113 units; 2 acres



Apartment bldgs; Retail, wholesale services

First report Wed Jan 20, 2010. Last report Tue Mar 06, 2012.
This report Fri Aug 31, 2012.
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I love the DCN reports that tell you the building will be 13 storeys and that it will be 15 storeys.

I believe drum already started a thread about this one. Apparently it was (or is being) given a rough ride at Council.
