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Trinity-Spadina by-election

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Doesn't he know the SkyDome is called the Rogers Centre now?!

How can he possibly lead Trinity—Spadina when doesn't even know his OWN neighbourhood?!

He ain't a-gettin' my vote now!

... just kidding. I don't live there.
Skydome is old skool. I never call it RC. It's cooler without the corporate reference anyway. I respect JC more for that. :) But I think AV is going to win.
federally Thanks KoK for the TrinSpa poll update. Very little change from the poll in late April. As long as Vaughan polls over 50% he seems to be pretty comfortable. Where I am around most, it's mostly Chrissy signs but I really think that can't be a baromater as I don't think Vaughan people have really pushed for door to door in that area yet.

provincially The same predictor site that had the NDP in the area having a 58% chance of winning last week flipped after the recent positive Liberal numbers (and overall NDP collapse numbers) and now giving Han Dong a 67% of gaining this seat with the final prediction of Lib 41%, NDP 33%, PC 17%, Gn 7%, Oth 2%.

Even though I am still in an NDP friendly area and more orange signs, there is MUCH more Han Dong Liberal signs compared to Thomson sings of 2011 (which was non-existent in the area) and 2011 turned out to be very close. This could be an upset here.

I am leaning Liberal, the NDP leadership has been really disappointing recently. It seems like this riding is going to be close. The Green party (predicted to get 7%, which seems to be high, they got 5% last time) could be the difference maker.
Yeah I've biked around the riding...Cressy really has his signs up, as does Han Dong. Marchese's a bit behind in getting them up and Vaughan really hasn't really got going at all yet on the sign front.

Han Dong could indeed pull an upset. Andrea Horwath is not liked among progressive Torontonians, and Kathleen Wynne seems to have outflanked her on the left. Also, the Liberals are really working on this; unlike last time they pulled their resources out of the riding and they couldn't work with Sarah Thomson.
Yeah I've biked around the riding...Cressy really has his signs up, as does Han Dong. Marchese's a bit behind in getting them up and Vaughan really hasn't really got going at all yet on the sign front.

Han Dong could indeed pull an upset. Andrea Horwath is not liked among progressive Torontonians, and Kathleen Wynne seems to have outflanked her on the left. Also, the Liberals are really working on this; unlike last time they pulled their resources out of the riding and they couldn't work with Sarah Thomson.

I just saw my first Vaughan sign, near Toronto Western Hospital on Nassau Street. I'm on Palmerston (for six more weeks) and every sign here is for Cressy, Marchese, or Dong.

Provincially, my vote is parked with Marchese, but I'm holding my nose when it comes to the party affiliation. It's only because it's Marchese that I'm likely voting NDP. Federally, I'm still completely undecided. The by-election date is also my move-out date.
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Hi, I don't live in this ward, and I don't follow provincial or party politics.

But, a very dear lady, Roberta Scott is up for election here.

I don't know about her politics, but I have known her personally for many years. She's very good person!

So please be nice if she comes to your door! :D

She's the PC candidate for the provincial election, and not a candidate for the federal by-election. I'm sure she's a great person, but given the political leanings of the area she'll likely be coming in third.

provincially The same predictor site that had the NDP in the area having a 58% chance of winning last week flipped after the recent positive Liberal numbers (and overall NDP collapse numbers) and now giving Han Dong a 67% of gaining this seat with the final prediction of Lib 41%, NDP 33%, PC 17%, Gn 7%, Oth 2%.

It has swung back in favour of the NDP, however the lead is very slim and anything can happen here. It would be great to see Vaughan, Trudeau and Dong door knocking and attending public events together. It would definitely help move some of the NDP support toward the Liberals. Such a close race!
Haha, it's like a tennis match. Today it swung back to the Liberal side with 73% chance of winning (highest I think I've seen for any of the two parties in this region)

The Liberals seem very confident in both elections.

Casita, I respect Roberta because she actually seemed to have held a respectable job before hand (she was a paramedic) but I just can't find myself voting for a PC candidate.

Obviously this is KoK thread and I am very newbie here. But hopefully it's okay to talk the provincial race for this riding as well as it's a special circumstance as we are getting a double header election here and I think it's a good thread to talk about both races.
I am "friends" with Charlie Pachter, a well known TO artist, on FB. (He does a lot of moose paintings. :) ) He opened his studio today so that Justin Trudeau, Adam Vaughan, and Han Dong all had a photo op together. Cllrs Anna B and Josh M were there as well. (Edit' this was actually Joh Matlow's pic!) There were supposedly talking about funding for the arts. So they are starting to get their press act together.


sorry that is so big!

Re: signs.
I was biking around the Annex today, and saw loads of Cressy, Marchese and Dong signs.
Vaughan's signage is sparse. And it is strange that he used a darker red for his background.
There were a few Tim Grant Green party signs up too!
I saw no CON signs.


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