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News   Sep 13, 2024
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Transformation AGO (5s, Gehry) COMPLETE

We noticed this yesterday when I was was walking. I thought " what the hell is that?", and realized it was OCAD!!

It looks big, and will be seen from lots of vantages.

THat is good for OCAD. It seems to make it closer to everything.
I saw it from Queen street yesterday too, and it looks pretty big!
From the Globe:

Native art trove heads home

From Friday's Globe and Mail

NEW YORK  More than two dozen rare items of northwest native art will be returning to Canada for the first time since they were taken from northern British Columbia in 1863, after members of the Thomson family suddenly stepped up to the plate, spending more than $5-million (U.S.) during a record-setting auction at Sotheby's in New York.

The objects, which are expected to find a home at the Art Gallery of Ontario, include a magnificent Tsimshian wooden face mask purchased for $1.8-million, including Sotheby's buyer's premium, a slave killer club of carved elk or caribou antler adorned with totemic forms, which went for $940,000, and a clan hat, purchased for $660,000. The mask set a record for an individual piece of native North American art sold at auction, more than doubling the previous mark. The auction set an overall record, becoming the first sale of so-called American Indian art to fetch more than $7-million.

Last night, David Thomson said his family purchased the items with the memory of his late father, Kenneth, in mind. Before his father died last June, he donated a wealth of Northwest Coast and Inuit art to the AGO, which is in the midst of a massive renovation to add space for his collection.

Kenneth Thomson, the former chairman of The Globe and Mail, was the architect of a global media empire, as well as a passionate art collector and supporter of the arts.

“This was right into the centre of his psyche and his aesthetic. These objects that I selected, frankly, he knew of them  from poor photographs, from descriptions  but of course he passed away long before we knew the collection would be sold publicly.†The collection's history stretches back to its acquisition in 1863, at Old Metlakatla, near present-day Prince Rupert, by the Scottish chaplain Rev. Robert James Dundas from the missionary William Duncan.

The 80 items ranged from sacred pieces used in spiritual ceremonies to tribal art created for the developing tourist trade.

In 1959, after other members of the family deemed the collection to have no financial value, Simon Carey, a great-grandson of Dundas, took possession of the items and began research on their significance.

Over the past three decades, Mr. Carey held on-and-off negotiations for the collection with some of the world's top cultural institutions, including the Smithsonian, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum and the Canadian Museum of Civilization. When Mr. Carey chose last spring to let the market determine the fate of the items, government-funded institutions read the tea leaves and realized the collection would likely end up outside of Canada.

Mr. Carey is in a London hospital with cancer. His son Benjamin, who recalled playing as a five-year-old with the face mask and club, represented him at Thursday's auction.

The repatriation astonished observers in the cultural community who had expected that the high prices would prove to be out of the reach of Canadian bidders, primarily poorly endowed public institutions.

The Thomson family was represented at the auction by Donald Ellis, a private dealer based in Dundas, Ont., who also bid on behalf of two U.S. collectors and the Canadian Museum of Civilization. He had been hoping to represent the Royal B.C. Museum but a special grant request made by the museum was denied late Wednesday, putting it out of the race for the pieces of Canadian heritage.

Only minutes after Mr. Ellis heard the bad news from the B.C. museum, he got a call from a Thomson family member who reportedly had been prompted to step forward by an article in Wednesday's Globe and Mail. In the article, Mr. Ellis, who said he has worked for more than 20 years to bring the pieces to Canada, decried the Canadian dependence on government funding for cultural support.

“I have no desire to be the lead hand,†Mr. Thomson explained. “It would be of immense relief to me if other wealthy individuals could step up to the plate and also partake of, and celebrate, and ultimately preserve Canadian culture.

“I know the government is under tremendous pressure; there's been a lot of criticism. There were very few funds available for this auction; I'm in no position to be critical. Life is life; governments make priorities. But at the end of the day we're Canadians  this is a defining moment, and we need to, all of us, share in it.â€Â

The Canadian Museum of Civilization acquired five items with a total price tag of $87,600. The Museum of Northern British Columbia in Prince Rupert acquired a Northwest Coast polychromed wooden spoon for $22,800.

The auction at Sotheby's Upper East Side headquarters was a breathless affair with often spirited bidding that sometimes shocked the assembled crowd of about 70. Among Mr. Ellis's successful bids were $273,600 for a Tsimshian circular wooden bowl resembling a bird, $251,200 for a polychromed wooden headdress of Tlinglit or Tsimshian origin and $204,000 for a Tsimshian wooden comb that carried a pre-auction estimate of $10,000-$15,000.

There is one more piece of the Dundas collection that was not up for auction Thursday, but is of intense interest to Canadian research institutions: the 250,000-word journals of the clergyman from 1859 to 1865.

Mr. Ellis said he had been led to believe that being Thursday's big spender gave him first negotiating rights for the journals. “We moved the way we did with th assumption that we would now get the opportunity.â€Â

Taken as a whole with the ROM's new gallery, Toronto will eventually have a tremendous collection of native aboriginal art and artifacts on display.

I hope the downturn at Loblaws doesn't cramp Galen and Hillary's philanthropy though. And Michael Lee-Chin's company isn't doing too well either. Gotta keep them billionaires on track.
Thank you for posting this article. I love northwest native art. Unfortunately most of it was 'looted' in the late 19th century. Whole villages were practically emptied and dissassembled. I just visited the magnificent collections of totems at Stanley Park and also at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria. In our travels near Tofino we also visited a new totem raised by the local tribe, the first in over a 100 years; and were also tipped off to a hidden antique totem that we searched for and eventually found.
Much of what we now have in public collections such as the ROM would have rotted and disintegrated had Europeans not bartered and otherwise absconded with it and stored it away in dusty attics in places such as England for generations.
Indeed. For one, the Elgin Marbles would simply be nonexistent had they not been removed from Athens and placed in proper storage.
You're absolutely right about that Babel. The wood art and the rainy climate are not very compatible, and so much of what would have been destroyed by mother nature over time, was saved and preserved in galleries and private collections. Interestingly the native peoples traditionally believed the totems to have a spirit and a physical mortality, just like people. When a totem eventually rotted, fell and decayed, it was very much symbolic of the cycle of life itself. A new totem would be commissioned by the clan, and the 'defunct' totem would be copied and raised again, 'reborn' so to speak.
Hello sailor!

Some of Thomson's historic ship models will go on display at the AGO, starting on November 30th.
^There's already 2 on display and they're kind of amazing. One is made of ivory and hair.
Ivory + hair? How "Vagina Dentata" can you get

*oof* *ouch* *cut it out*
Interior Shots

It would be great to see some interior shots of the expansion.
Re: Interior Shots

Noticed today that up front, the giant flanged girder that'll presumably hold up the new facade's already in place...
