I agree that 400m is too close for a suburban area. I would be alright with 800m, however the subway will probably have stations 2km apart. Of course there could be stations at Faywood and Senlac, but they won't we well used as all. And some politicians want this subway built without these intermediate station in order to save money, saying that we can always build them at a later date (i.e. never, I'm still waiting for Willowdale station). Regardless, subway are good for moving lots of people over longer distances, but can be terrible at serving the neighbourhood itself.
I wouldn't consider the 85 to be frequent. On a weekday, headways range from 15 to 30 minutes, and the 98 Willowdale-Senlac bus it's 30 minutes all day. If that's what's going to happen west of Yonge when the subway gets extended, then these buses will be almost useless. Might as well walk forever than wait for a bus to come.
If they mess this up then that would be unfortunate. But Metrolinx is in charge now so hopefully they will get it right. Maybe they can also cut down on the number of stations.
I don't think it would be impossible to widen the road, but if it has to be underground then at least there's the tail track from the sheppard subway that can be used. It extends all way to Welbeck road, so not much more tunnelling would need to be done (only up to the bridge I would imagine, and the bridge would be widened).
Big move costs 50 billion as is. If we are going to upgrade every LRT to a subway, then families will be paying even more. Maybe if politicians would stop lying about LRTs, people would not feel so upset about them.
I see the merits. Just not sure it's good value for the money.
I'm ok with one transfer, but you want to create a second one by extending the subway. You say that ridership merits a subway up to Victoria Park, but after Vic Park ridership suddenly drops to BRT levels. Seriously? Prove it. I don't think that high ridership you talk about is so great that the LRT can't handle it, so I don't see the need for spending more money on extending the subway while making the transfer situation even more annoying. At least if Don Mills remains the terminus, you have one transfer with the three option of transferring to the DRL, the sheppard subway, or the sheppard lrt.
Yes I understood your point. Sheppard is alright compared to other cities, just not so great for Toronto standards. Unfortunately we can't build subways for cheap like in some other cities, so we have to have higher standards of what abysmal is. Until Toronto clears its backlog of other priorities, I don't agree with building the sheppard subway. But I'm not saying that you think sheppard should come before the DRL.
Overall, I see where you're coming from. Lets agree to disagree.