Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

This thread has gone off the rails, and not because of the people posting here. Metrolinx sucks and so does the community forcing all these changes. All this time has been wasted when Cummer could have been in preconstruction already.
Not sure what's so important about Cummer. I'd leave it out.

Any construction at the Finch Station on Line 1 should include putting in a station box, or at minimum knock out panels, for the future eastern extension of Line 6 (AKA Finch West LRT), from Finch West Station to Finch Station.
One project at a time. Plans for Finch could change by then.
Any construction at the Finch Station on Line 1 should include putting in a station box, or at minimum knock out panels, for the future eastern extension of Line 6 (AKA Finch West LRT), from Finch West Station to Finch Station.
In attempt to minimize traffic disruption during Cut&Cover of Subway Station construction, most Subway Stations are not directly under intersection,... most subway stations are north, south, east or west of the intersection,... as such, future intersection lines often need to form a T-shaped interchange (as we're seeing at Eglinton and Eglinton West station with Crosstown).

Here, Finch Subway Station directly under Yonge Street and north of Finch intersection. Assuming any future Finch LRT at Yonge Street will be under Finch Ave,... new pedestrian connection will need to be constructed at that time. The pre-work for Yonge Extension North will focus mainly at the northern end of the TailTrack,.... which is likely almost a kilometre north of Finch,.. and any future LRT. There will be a new electrical SubStation at Hendon/Bishop Ave,.... upgrading the current 10 year old substation under Yonge Street just south of Hendon/Bishop (circled in black). A Finch LRT line though Yonge is probably at least 15-20 years out,... and will likely require a new substation by then anyways,...

original image source prior to labels:
In attempt to minimize traffic disruption during Cut&Cover of Subway Station construction, most Subway Stations are not directly under intersection,... most subway stations are north, south, east or west of the intersection,... as such, future intersection lines often need to form a T-shaped interchange (as we're seeing at Eglinton and Eglinton West station with Crosstown).
While this is true of a number of the stations, it's not universally true.

On the Yonge North extension, Sheppard Station was built directly underneath its namesake intersection. Finch and Lawrence were both built to the north of their respective streets. York Mills is just a handful of feet to the east of Yonge, straddling its namesake.

Compare this to the original Yonge Line, where most of the downtown stations were built directly under Yonge, and across the streets for which they are named.

There are a huge number of reasons which were accounted for during their design process when it came to station siting - the ability to keep the surrounding roadways was a big one, but by no means the only factor.

Obviously we haven't seen the station boxes or any details of YNSE yet. One could probably guess that Cummer is likely to skew north of the intersection (if it's built) and Royal Orchard was off Yonge but is now back on it, but south of the intersection.

Of course Bridge and High Tech are completely off the street, so that leaves only Steeles and Clark as mysteries. Just looking at the geography, one would think they're both going to be awful close to the intersections if not directly under, depending where they need to put bus loops and entrances and stuff. I guess we'll know in a few months.
That is a darned impressive summation and I'm kind of amazed/perplexed by people like Steve Munro who seem to have enough free time to put all this together ;)

I particularly like the maps with the sliders, allowing for easy comparison.

My only quibble is with his terminology about TOCs. He has maps, which I think are the proposed Secondary Plan massing models for Toronto, Markham and Vaughan. But these are not "TOC"s, even if they are, generically speaking, "transit-oriented development." TOCs are only the projects directly negotiated between the developers and the subway project and those only exist for Bridge and High Tech. Everything else is basically just mapped height/density limits. Eventually we'll find out if there are also TOCs for Clark and Steeles (and even Royal Orchard and Cummer, if either gets built) but that's teeny percentage of the development that could, eventually happen along Yonge Street.
Great analysis here - not sure if this person is on Urban Toronto!
This is done by someone who is not a member of the board and was part of a group I belong before I became independent after it was to become part of Transport Action Ontario. He did the same kind of summation for having a surface connection for the Sheppard LRT to the Don Mills LRT that wasn't in TTC plans. He has also done others summation not related to transit as well for transit.

Going from memory, I believe both Cummer and Steeles where under the intersections on Yonge St Clark stations has been in TTC and York Region plans from day one as well RHC.
This is done by someone who is not a member of the board and was part of a group I belong before I became independent after it was to become part of Transport Action Ontario. He did the same kind of summation for having a surface connection for the Sheppard LRT to the Don Mills LRT that wasn't in TTC plans. He has also done others summation not related to transit as well for transit.

Going from memory, I believe both Cummer and Steeles where under the intersections on Yonge St Clark stations has been in TTC and York Region plans from day one as well RHC.
So the Finch GO terminal will shrink?

VIVA will end at the new station and so will a bunch of other routes.

Could they renovate it to better accomodate GO buses? Having to cross the roadway is dangerous.

Nicer shelters would be nice. At least fully enclosed.
So the Finch GO terminal will shrink?

VIVA will end at the new station and so will a bunch of other routes.

Could they renovate it to better accomodate GO buses? Having to cross the roadway is dangerous.

Nicer shelters would be nice. At least fully enclosed.
I think improvements as a terminal would be good. Because it's under a hydro corridor redevelopment isn't an option.
So the Finch GO terminal will shrink?

VIVA will end at the new station and so will a bunch of other routes.

Could they renovate it to better accomodate GO buses? Having to cross the roadway is dangerous.

Nicer shelters would be nice. At least fully enclosed.
If I remember correctly, GO and all the buses coming south of Steeles except 97 will be using Steeles underground terminal. A few GO buses may continue to use Finch terminal while other are stopping on the street. GO will use the bus bays that VIVA use today.

The removal of various TTC routes from Finch to Steeles will free up more space at Finch terminal.

Various parking lot areas to be close off to the point some will/maybe remove once the subway opens in the 905, since the 905 cars makeup the bulk of parking in the first place. Removal will be done after a few years of service to see what parking may look like in the future. The removal of YRT bus bays will happen as needed.
