Toronto YC Condos -- Yonge at College | 198.42m | 62s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

According to this Toronto Star article today, YC condos will be 66 storeys

This issue was discussed a few pages back. The floor count skips floors 4, 13, 14, 24, 34, etc. It will be 57 storeys.

Also, it says that pre-sales will start in late Spring so the rumour that it's 80% sold is BS.

Developers hold all kinds of pre-pre-pre sales and openings. Projects often make significant bulk sales to VIP agents before the official public opening ever happens. Additionally, developers often release different portions of the building at different times in order to take advantage of increased demand for the prime or penthouse units. This could be a pre-sale launch for that next release of units.
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I just realized how close YC is going to be to Karma. All that's in between is the older two storey house and a small lane way. Going to be a sight.
With all those skipped floors, calling it 66 is actually dishonest.

I don't know?, but their web site clearly states 66 storeys

YC Condos is a 66-storey glass sculpture accented by extended balconies and one-of-a-kind amenities not found anywhere in North America.

So somewhere up there, people will be bragging about living on the 66th storey when truthfully the building will be 60 floors, with 6 skipped
My take is the title of this thread should read 66s
We lived on the 13th floor once, although it said 14 in the elevator. Our entire time there was evil-free.
My take is the title of this thread should read 66s

AG, in our thread titles we do not list the number of storeys as shown on elevator buttons, which have skipped '13' for years and are not often skipping the 4s, but we show the actual number of habitable floors, (so, not including the mechanical-only floors).

…at least that's what we have been doing. A couple of years ago, however, I learned that it was not that simple in all cases. The Four Seasons was the first to make it tough, and Trump confirmed that some buildings simply won't fit that mould.

The Four Seasons was the first that I ran into that had a fully mechanical floor or two in the middle of the building which are totally ignored in the elevator buttons. IIRC, there's a floor immediately atop the podium in between the 9th and 10th floors. Do we count that? The elevators don't, and no-one lives on it, but it is a floor. In the end, we didn't. Same thing where the building switches from hotel suites to condo suites. There's also mechanical at the top of course. Some sites may count the Four Seasons as 55 storeys (, we show 52 (as does

With Trump it got more complicated when not just mechanical was involved, but another floor popped up, a mezzanine in the Stock Restaurant that doesn't get counted, although the public accesses that one daily. No-one seems to include it in the total floor count.

Here it's even more baffling, at least to me, and I'm going to attempt to illustrate that below.

I started with the City's Zoning By-Law Amendment resulting from the application.

On page 28 the background file states 57 storeys, 198 metres.

When Canderel started saying 66 storeys, I looked a little harder, and then made phone calls to both Canderel and the Planner.
Canderel told me the 13th and the 4s were skipped. The Planner told me that the number of floors don't matter, what matters is the total height and the total square metres/feet of space. So, that made me confident enough of the 57 storey number in our thread title.

Now that the marketing is underway, a pile of more questions were raised because the amenity up top is described as being the 64th storey. So, they aren't skipping all the 4s. I asked again. Canderel now say it's just 4, 13, 14, and 44 that they are skipping. I decided to check out the elevations in the zoning by-law background file. It shows 60 storeys plus 2 or 3—let's say 3—mechanical storeys up top. 2 of the 3 mechanicals include resident-accessible amenities. It also shows a mezzanine just above ground level. So maybe the building is 62 storeys, or 63, or maybe 64. Whichever of those is correct, 66 is just marketing.

There's another reasons why I can't decide if it's 62, 63, or 64: renderings of the podium, (not legal documents), elevations of the whole tower (not legal documents, but supporting legal decisions), marketing descriptions for amenities, and finally what I have been told by Canderel, simply do not all mesh together. I have tried to lay out the confusion in the illustration below.

YC Floor Numbers.jpg

So, I'm re-numbering the title to reflect 63 storeys, reflecting a compromise of sorts.

In the end though, I think I'll go with City Planning and say that the number of floors doesn't matter, and just worry about the total height here: 198 metres. Whatever fits between that height and sidewalk level is just details.


  • YC Floor Numbers.jpg
    YC Floor Numbers.jpg
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My opinion is this building will be taller than 57 real floors, although maybe not 66 - somewhere in the middle perhaps. There was a committee of adjustments meeting awhile back but the details are not known. Skipping floors ending in 4 is an important part of the marketing that's relevant to a segment of the population. Many North American buildings skip the 13th floor for a similar reason. The floors could be labeled with ascending letters instead of ordinal numbers, does it make a difference to anyone not buying or living in the building? I'm surprised at some of the comments on this.

This is not the same issue, but it does irk me when I hear about the 104 floor One World Trade Center. It's actually 86 real floors with only 78 to be used as offices per wikipedia.

Calling it 108 is like calling the CN Tower skypod 147...

The fake floors at 1WTC are especially noticeable at night as only the real floors are lit up. It looks ridiculous on the New York skyline imo.

Empire State ain't anywhere near 100 storeys either.

FCP is only 71 floors not including the mechanical penthouse, which included, would make Scotia Plaza 69 floors. The numbering sequence has everyone convinced it is 72 storey as it skips 71.
No matter what the exact floor count is here, Canderel is going out of their way to make sure the amenities are spectacular here. They've hired Burdifilek, who do a gorgeous job on interiors, to kit-out the spaces here, and they've put a bunch of them right at the top of the building so that all of the residents will get to enjoy them, not just the million-dollar penthouse owners. We've added a bunch of renderings to the dataBase file, and the top-of-the-building amenities are the subject of a front page story here.
