Toronto X2 Condominiums | 160.93m | 49s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

Just went by the X2 sales office on Charles St. and there was a cop outside. I asked him what was going on and he said there was an 'event' being held today but it wasn't open to the public. I asked if he was there because of the brouhaha on Bloor St. and he smiled and said 'possibly'.
Still lots of action at the X2 sales office. Lots of people going in and out and the parking lots out front and behind are full.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

X2 has had tremendous response..apparantely over 50 % already sold now.!!!!! Update...X2 sold out! 30 Nov.

Wow! Just got back from the sales office and officially X2 is SOLD OUT. I asked the sales rep about units being held back for later and she said no , the only units that will be available are those that are within their 10 day recission period..after the whole to do last week with the realtors/brokers at the Interconti on Bloor , the remaining units they sold on the public pre-registration day which was this past Sat 28 if this is how X2 sold out in such a short time how will it be when GGH releases 1 Bloor? The rep seemed to think the high publicity from Bloor St last week coupled with the fact people can now see what they get when they see X , sold X2 out.

I'm stunned. Walking by around 4pm I saw lots of cars parked on Charles Street in front of X and the X2 sales office lot was jammed with cars too. I wonder what's going on in there if there's nothing to sell?

It was the same when I was there at 12:30 this afternoon..and from what I could hear..alot of the folks in that small sales office were realtors and I saw a few people with contracts in hand. (crammed..get this..they were handing out numbers to wait for the one washroom if you needed it!!) But again 2 different sales reps (I know them both from when we bought at X) said they have nothing left to sell and are not holding back any units (hard to believe that but if sales/demand is so hot for this then might very well be.). And one of the realtors/brokers I heard say something about a few lowrise podium units that he has for clients....interesting.

As I was in the sales office at 12:30 this afternoon I heard one of the brokers/realtors saying to a salesrep that he needed some more info for the couple of units he bought for clients in the podium (he was wanting to know what kind of retail would be going in) maybe they were not released for the general public pre registration event this past Sat but I guess brokers had an opportunity already last week. Yet one thing is interesting...the X2 brochure floorplans have the Fowler at 908 sq feet as the largest unit..yet the X2 advertising states "up to 1600 sq feet" so they must still be releasing some of the over 1000 sq foot larger units at some point ..or decided against having them if the smaller ones all sold so well? Or combining in last Fridays Globe and Mail real estate section had an article X marks the spot again..they mention combing units..which would make 1660 sq foot from two south facing units combined.

I guess Great Gulf didn't really need to bother renovating the building for the X2 sales office afterall ~
I guess Great Gulf didn't really need to bother renovating the building for the X2 sales office afterall ~

If you look at the photos of the sales office above, the top half is incomplete. Will they or won't they spend to complete it? Right now it looks like a sheet of white plastic wrapped around the top half of the faux frontage which covers up the house in behind. Presumably with sales as they are and demolition permits in hand they should be ready to tear down come late winter or spring if financing and permits to Xcavate are in place. The X/X2 sales office could probably be moved over to the X building by then.
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I wonder if they'd add a few floors. I wouldn't seeing at least an extra 6 or 7 floors to break up the monotony of the rooflines up there. Would make the tower look less chunky, too.
^ Maybe a tough sell. IIRC, The city was quite adamant with the approval of X1 that building heights should not increase away from Bloor. Now, where to put X3.
^Ah, yes, the mentally retarded "skyline shaping" policy. I'm still ticked off at how 300 Front (a couple hundred metres from the CN Tower) was emasculated, using that policy as the reason.

Is X3 a real possibility? Or just wishful thinking? It does seem that the old condo-mania has returned, so I have no doubt that the market would support an X3 -- but would the City allow it?
I'm sure that X3 is mere speculation at this point, but why wouldn't the city allow it as long as Great Gulf owned some other land close by?

I am sure the City could come up with a reason to deny the application if they wanted to. The process does seem rather arbitrary to me, look at the Clubland projects, some were approved and some were denied, with no self-consistent logic that I can see.

So the City might well approve an X3, or deny it. I just have no way to predict which it would be.
If they built X3, it'd be interesting to see a homage to Chicago's Lake Point Tower. It's one of my favourite Modernist buildings and short of stealing theirs, I'd love to have a decent recreation of it.
If they built X3, it'd be interesting to see a homage to Chicago's Lake Point Tower. It's one of my favourite Modernist buildings and short of stealing theirs, I'd love to have a decent recreation of it.

HERE! HERE!! I second that idea.

Indeed this would be a fitting addition to X and X2. Not only for it's beautiful form, but additionally because the two designers of Lake Point were both students of Ludwig Miies van der Rohe. How appropriate to have their design influence X3 if it ever comes to fruition.
Third! It looks great, plus the fact it's the only high rise on the east side of Lake Shore Drive gives it that rebellious/look at me connotation.
Chicago's Lake Point Tower ????

but wouldn't that just be a glass curtain wall version of the 3 point towers from the 1960/70s throughout TO and St. Jamestown that many here panned?
