Toronto X The Condominium | ?m | 44s | Great Gulf | a—A

From this afternoon




I just took a walk on my coffee break and, holy crap, this spectacle is really a sight to behold.

The whole building has been ripped apart and is holding on to its guts with all the graphic splendor of a bloody scene in a Frank Miller comic book. There's an ancient air conditioning unit precariously hanging above the rubble, the elevator cables are strung limply down the shaft and a major support column has buckled and by some miracle of gravity hasn't plummeted to the bottom yet.

But you don't want to sit there and hear it being described. Somebody go out there with a digicam now! now! now!
Again as I said on the previous page, I still think it was a nice looking building and instead I would love to have seen that Pizza Pizza monstrosity on the south side of the street sacrificed for X instead. It is far more offensive than the old Headquarters Bldg....
Late Night

I didn't have my camera with me, but if you can get by there late at night it's incredible. There are still emergency lights on in the back of the building so the shadows are great. I'll try to swing by this evening and get some pics.
Yeah ceaz, even in the SimCity model, the Pizza Pizza HQs will turn to a charred brown and black heap and eventually be redeveloped (but likely as a convenience store - somebody needs to show those Silicon Valley SimCity programmers how a real city evolves). You'll be rid of your monstrosity someday.

The same numbered company owns the Pizza Pizza site and conveniently the 2 adjacent houses on the south side of Charles St East. Can you say "redevelopment potential" boys and girls?
What goes with X???

Why (pardon the pun but it's not intended lol) Pizza Sauce. Saucy, the Condo. "With real Pizza Pizza orange and white tiles standard in the washrooms, Saucy the Condo comes standard with a built in Pizza Pizza in the foyer...." I can just picture the Italian-themed cheesy ad theme.

(On a side note, it's a Romanian-Canadian that owns the Pizza Pizza chain.)

Back on topic: X looks better than my X. lol.
Tregoweth Brown lives

Hey, I guess Police Hadquaaahturrs was built around the same time "One Froggy Evening" came out
No not Monarch! I expect nothing great on that site, be it a failed attemped at an urban design or a typical 905 in the city box. I hope I'm wrong.

I can't believe how fast the building is coming down.
Don't know if anyone noticed the sign that went up next door this week on the site of BloorWalk II:

No rendering unfortunately.

No not Monarch! I expect nothing great on that site, be it a failed attemped at an urban design or a typical 905 in the city box. I hope I'm wrong.

I can't believe how fast the building is coming down.

There is already a thread for the Couture Condos (Bloor Walk 2) here.

