Toronto West Harbour City | ?m | 36s | Plaza | BDP Quadrangle

^ I agree. We're all a bunch of UT arm-chair urban planners/architects/designers but most of us could figure out how to create a new neighbourhood that had a chance to eventually work. Mixed use, retail at grade, street-friendly "mixed" architecture, a park or two at a human scale, a bit of whimsy here and there..... but no ego... and no super-podiums... just common sense human-scale stuff on the street (and a skyscraper set back of course ;-). Too many architects look at their "creation" instead of their contribution.
The townhomes are terrible.

I meant to update this thread last weekend but didn't get around to it. They did such a bad job planting these trees, I fully expect people are going to have branches growing into their living rooms in a few years...and forget about being able to close the windows! How ridiculous is this, some are literally about a foot and certainly less than 2 feet away from the wall!! :mad: ...and it doesn't look like it was for a complete lack of space in the planters either.






Some were given a little more space so I was happy to see that, but I still can't help but think that people are going to have serious problems with these trees in the not too distant future if something isn't done to fix this now.


Don't worry, as these trees will be dead within 2 years or less.

Even if they live, you will not be able to open your baloney door as the trees will want to come in. Some of them want to do that now.

Pure poor landscaping.

Never been impress with these townhouse from day one. Tooks some shoots a few weeks ago on some poor workmenship and will be interesting to see if they have been fixed, the next time I am down there this week.
I would imagine that these trees will likely survive much longer than that, considering that they're not right beside the road.
This is unfortunate and is probably the just result of lazy workmanship. Pure Plaza should be informed of this so that they can move the trees around before they get a chance to root.
Never mind the branches, some of the trees look like they're so close to the building that the trunk may grow into the facade. It's hard to believe anyone would plant like that.

What's with this project's weird mix of sophistication and incompetence? The townhouses have these sophisticated railings and decent design overall, yet it's repeated ad nauseum without the slightest variation like a cheap cartoon background. The trees between sidewalk and roadway was the right idea for a polished and comfortable streetscape, but wait, there are also trees bizarrely planted right next to the townhouse walls and in front of the windows...
I too find it odd that the landscapers would plant trees so close to the windows. Now, I wouldn't mind it being a skittles tree (taste the rainbow'TM) growing into my house, but these trees are definitely a poor choice.

Are people suppose to be able to open up those windows? Is there no variation in landscaping that they could not have planted something else, such as something with a bit of height, but more width. Would cedars not be a viable option? Does it come down to the budget that these landscapers have to play with? I'm no landscape architect, but one walk to Sheriden Nurseries and I am sure I would be able to find something more suitable.
Those trees are way too close to the townhouses. Who would plant trees like that? Was it a high school project? No, sorry. Was it a grade six project gone bad?
I meant to update this thread last weekend but didn't get around to it. They did such a bad job planting these trees, I fully expect people are going to have branches growing into their living rooms in a few years...and forget about being able to close the windows! How ridiculous is this, some are literally about a foot and certainly less than 2 feet away from the wall!! :mad: ...and it doesn't look like it was for a complete lack of space in the planters either.

Some were given a little more space so I was happy to see that, but I still can't help but think that people are going to have serious problems with these trees in the not too distant future if something isn't done to fix this now.
They're working on those trees today. They're digging them up and I think moving them although it doesn't look like it will make much of a difference. It's hard to tell though; they're still in the process.
I love the towers. These townhouses are awful. They look so commercial, like a brick Smart Center. Large trees growing here could be what redeems this streetscape but only if they can get some sense and realize that they belong at the mid point between the stairs, not the mid point of the windows. I'm a little confused why the planters don't run up to the edge of the stairs instead of coming into the wall and having a high brick at the wall. It just creates a space for dirt to collect in.

The light posts are the standard for the area. There are the side street lights like the ones in the picture with the light globe on type, and tall lights with a more typical streetlight on top and a globe light mounted lower facing the sidewalk.
It looks like they have moved the trees over to the sides of the windows, rather than right in front. However, they are likely still too big and are either going to die or cause problems down the road.
I've heard a rumour that a coffee shop may be going in where the office/model suite was in the Phase 1 building. Fingers crossed that this happens -- the area needs something like this.
