Toronto West Don Lands: Blocks 17 & 26 | 141m | 43s | Aspen Ridge | Core Architects

an interesting point that raises another question: how intense will the security personnel be, the same one that has been at the site 24/7 for almost a year, after the province hands over the property?

The good side it - this site seem to have excellent security over the years; the bad side is - we all know how easy it is for "accidents" to happen in this town. Important for neighbourhood to remain vigilant about this site.

Some documenting of this site, today, December 28th, 2021:

Looking at the site from the north-east to the south-west: You can see the building just off on the right of the pic has been almost completely demolished.


Looking through the middle of the site, from the East to the West:





Looking along the southern elevation of the site, from east to west:


Looking into the site from the south to north:


Now looking north-east:


Here you can clearly the see the building in the first pic, mostly demolished:


Finally, looking into the site from the west, to the east:

Interesting Quote from the Ministry on why they have NOT issued a requested MZO for a modular housing project on Cummer! (See ) I guess one law for the citizens and one for the developers! Quote from:

"We expect that city councils have done their due diligence and have conducted proper consultation in their communities before any request for an MZO comes to the minister for consideration," said Clark's director of communications Zoe Knowles, in an emailed statement.

"The ministry was not satisfied that proper consultation with impacted members of the community had been completed by the City of Toronto. As such, further consultation is needed," Knowles added.
Interesting Quote from the Ministry on why they have NOT issued a requested MZO for a modular housing project on Cummer! (See ) I guess one law for the citizens and one for the developers! Quote from:

"We expect that city councils have done their due diligence and have conducted proper consultation in their communities before any request for an MZO comes to the minister for consideration," said Clark's director of communications Zoe Knowles, in an emailed statement.

"The ministry was not satisfied that proper consultation with impacted members of the community had been completed by the City of Toronto. As such, further consultation is needed," Knowles added.
What garbage. Not a scrap of public consultation happened at this site, yet somehow the same brakes were not applied here as has happened up in Willowdale.

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A little bird tells me a Ford donor has paid $105M for the site. Actually, as developers go in this city, that doesn't narrow it down much. It's a company named after a treed upwelling of land.

It was really only ever going to be one of Aspen Ridge, Cortel, Muzzo, or Mattamy (i.e. the Ford/Ontario Conservative donor class), wasn't it? Bad outcome from a bad process.
I don’t know 100% it’s Aspen Ridge. My source had suggested one of the 4 you listed though 🤣. Muzzo through DG Group. That said, DG Group is right next door to Aspen Ridge, so they could have acted together.

Muzzo is also responsible for the office portion of The Crosstown community, by Aspen Ridge so there’s already a bit of a relationship there.
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Ha! Cynical post is cynical.

It's just a big empty lot now. Might as well do something with it.

We all knows it's going to be developed very shortly.

I was furious when I saw it get torn down though. What a waste.
