Toronto Waterlink at Pier 27 | 43.89m | 14s | Cityzen | a—A

What land does Waterfront Toronto own in this picture?
... I hope it's a wide portion of the Western edge of the quay.

I believe it is the parking lot beside Capt. Johns leading up to the chain link fence. No direct waterfront access for this piece of property, but they do have half a slip..

There is a nice project by Coophimmelblau in Vienna, with a great bridge criss-crossing between the two towers-not to mention the colour of the towers is very well chosen..

No pictures to show due to lack of linking allowance..

I can tell already that this is going to be one of my favorites. This is a sharp looking project, the word 'sculpture' is definitely not inappropriate.
I like the building, however, I'm concerned it's too close to the western edge of the slip. I'd like to see a large public promenade on that western edge leading up to the water.

It looks like this rendering was done before deals were made with Waterfront Toronto. For example, where is the pier "jutting into the water" and this rendering shows no public plaza on the city's portion of land.
Nice building, but it's a shame it's so close to the water. A privileged few will get to enjoy that great location.

The following two are blurry as the image was moving:



That green patch beside the building, is it another redevelopment opportunity? Do the people behind Pier 27 own that land as well?
Yes, they own that as well. The renderings only show phase 1. Eventually, the project will be built right over to Redpath.
I think Canuck is talking about the green patch North of Pier27. That's the city owned land.

The land East of Phase1 belongs to Pier27 and will be part of Phase2.
I think Canuck is talking about the green patch North of Pier27. That's the city owned land.

The land East of Phase1 belongs to Pier27 and will be part of Phase2.
I was looking at the patch along the waterfront, to the East. Hopefully with such a large prominent spot a second phase will be worthy of the location.
No no no... this is all wrong. Maybe all the proposed new Queens Quay developments are wrong. The whole problem with Harbour Square is that it gives the distinct impression that there's no public access to its section of the waterfront. This building is obviously better, but I can't see it giving a real public feel to the waterfront there.
The Redpath plant is certainly a huge barrier to a walking connection east (and subsequently, a barrier to connect the eastern waterfront to the main western Harbourfront). I can't see the waterfront portion of this site being used much by the public as long as there is really no place to walk either west or east. I suspect (and fear) that until this issue gets resolved, the waterfront portion will be largely dead.
A fine building indeed.

I'm not sure I see how it is too close to the lake... From what I can see, there is a generous deal of space around it; the problem remains, as has been mentioned, the Redpath, as it totally terminates any path there may be.

It is dawning on me, however, from another thread, that we really have very few commercial spaces around the waterfront for the tourists (or US) to enjoy. It's not necessarily so well balanced. The area does not appear 'public' because there are so few spaces that serve it.
If only we could pluck myriad cultural entities out of thin air and house them in a garland of suitably iconic buildings scattered along the harbour - living up to the sort of visual punctuation that those who have always spawned grand schemes for Toronto expect. Models and renderings of the visions of planners and architects aside, we live in the real world; shopping centres and condos are what we get. But at least with a handsomely designed waterfront promenade the public can appreciate, from personal experience as pedestrians, how the place where the city meets the lake can define us.
I don't even think a large number of cultural buildings would be a good idea south of Queens Quay. Sure, a few would be lovely, but I think there should be fairly uninterrupted access from our lakefront street to the lake shore. Alternatively, they had better make sure that they line the whole shore with restaurants and similar buisnesses. If the lake is fronted by more condo "amenity spaces," it will be a disaster.
