Toronto Vox Condominiums | 115.82m | 35s | Cresford | a—A

I don't think they're that bad. aside from the blatant lie that is the representation of 50 Wellesley as a 16 storey building to the east.

I don't hate the tower but in the second photo, the transition from the podium to the tower looks so abrupt - a tall box sitting on top of a cubicle box, and the podium seems to have absolutely no flair.
Of course it is too early to judge, but I hope Wellesley East won't be lined with the same glass boxes.
I took this last Wednesday of the existing building onsite. This is the north side of Wellesley St., just east of the subway station. '22 Wellesley' condo can be seen in behind, part of Plaza Corps. '50 on Wellesley' sales office can be seen on the right, to put things into perspective for those not familiar with the area.

this was sold almost exclusively to chinese investors from my understanding, it wasn't really marketed in the traditional sense.
Yup, this will be essentially a rental condo. dataBase file created. Very few renderings for this one.

Sold out? I didn't even know it was in sales? How are sales at 50 Wellesley then?

This thread got lost back around page 12 or 14, I had to dig for it. There was discussion on another related thread about how this sold out in VIP sales, quick! If you Google "VOX" condos you'll see a few suspect looking websites, one or two of which announced it was sold out back in August or September.
This thread got lost back around page 12 or 14, I had to dig for it. There was discussion on another related thread about how this sold out in VIP sales, quick! If you Google "VOX" condos you'll see a few suspect looking websites, one or two of which announced it was sold out back in August or September.

Adds for it would always come up in my Facebook newsfeed.
This may be the most perfunctory-looking aA proposal I’ve seen yet. Ugh. “What this area needs is a giant wall of glass!”

The retail/podium cladding is especially offensive.
Remember this is very early in the planning stage.
And the completely sold out stage.

I can't find anything official on the City's site, but a fellow who rents in there has to be out in January and he says it's being demolished in April.
