Toronto Velocity at the Square | 122.52m | 40s | HNR | P + S / IBI

Somehow the pink hue doesn't irk me at all. It's that leaden grid of soul-sucking spandrel with pokey little windows that looks like a clogged furnace filter that does it in for me.

Sounds exactly like World on Yonge. Basically a boring box version of it.


photo by Roundabout


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Has anyone read the relatively unknown book, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spandrel? Filming for the movie version was supposed to take place in NYC, but location scouts found a far better inventory here in TO. Plus, with the exchange rate it makes more financial sense to film in Canada. "We couldn't believe with our very own eyes the shear number of towers laden with spandrel in Toronto. We just had to film here!", claimed Location Manager Peter Strangelove.
you all are complaining but this building will quickly decline in value and should greatly contribute to keeping that seedy "american bar"/resident hotel feel long characteristic of the dundas square/church corridor. building such an ugly tower is the developer's contribution to keeping the area affordable.
Ugh, personally, I like that the architect at least attempted to include concrete in this design, BUT they really didn't put much effort into whatever this......thing is. I really wish there would've been a better design, or better yet, they never let development become possible on this site, really, that building they demoed was great. Anyways, at least it's some form of rental apartments.
