Toronto Velocity at the Square | 122.52m | 40s | HNR | P + S / IBI

Do you really think if we have more fountains in Toronto, people and kids when seem them will think of royalty, aristocracy and churches?

hmm, i think you are raising an important point here. maybe people and kids won't think of royalty, aristocracy and churches if we have more fountains in Toronto. its hard to say at this juncture. lets revisit this once the fountains are up and running.

And if we have more statutes, they don't have to be in the form of kings and queens, do they?

well, uhm, i suppose not.

They can be war heros, previous reputable PMs, famous Canadian scientists and artists, or something abstract.

that's precisely what i was thinking--excellent point! and by all means lets exclude ALL previous PM's of ill-repute

Statutes and fountains look nice and make cities more pleasing to the eyes.

so true.

They don't have a necessary connection with the royalty.

also true. we certainly don't want to overdo our connection with the royals this late in the game.

When I said YD was so tiny, I was actually thinking about Piazza San Marco.

That's the size of a square Toronto needs downtown

not that little cute space
not even big enough
for a bunch of 6 year olds to play in.
So much for the ignore list

So, yeah. Something the scale of Berlin's Alexanderplatz. But with dumpy stuff like this


replaced by wowie zowie stuff like this

If Balenciaga had even read my post, he would know I was arguing for sculptures and fountains that are of a different aesthetic than the classical European photos of Prague that Drum posted.

I even posted a fountain that I like (Theatre Park) and a monument I like (Komagata Maru).

Statues aren't my favourite and I think that art would always be better.
Not to go off topic, but do we know whether or not construction is starting immediately following the demolition of the existing building? Will this be condos or rental?
And if we have more statutes, they don't have to be in the form of kings and queens, do they?

All statutes must receive royal assent, in Canada through the Governor General and in Ontario by the Lieutenant Governor, both as representative of the Queen. I'm not sure what you mean by "form".

(Sorry a bit late to this party but I couldn't resist.)
Though the architecture is very bland, and height really won't make it stand out for such a prominent location, I do like the fact that it includes office space. I would like to see a much larger share of new buildings go up with a mix of office/residential or office/hotel/residential, not just retail/residential or hotel/residential.
Probably the ugliest building I've seen in a long time.

Thank God they preserved that big ugly brown hulk.

Oh - I know - let's build this monstrosity right in the middle of the city, near a big public square, so visitors from all over the world can see what we are capable of. Makes me proud.

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What a shame - this banality is offensive. I cannot fathom what goes through the head of the architects when they say:

"It has a huge profile, obviously it'll be visible from the square, so it has quite a cachet in that regard." says David Dow, principal of Diamond Schmitt Architects. "We've really tried to create a building that has a bit of a different look than many of the all-glass buildings out there. The pre-cast vertical panels on it will create a different look."

The design is a joint venture by Diamond and Schmitt and Page + Steele IBI Group on behalf the owner of the heritage buildings. "It's a project that's been in the works for quite a while so we're pretty enthused by it now," adds Dow. "We've got the working drawings complete and once the approvals are in place we're hoping to see things move quickly."

This is a horrible failure that will loom over Dundas as a sign to all of Toronto's mediocrity. Dow is right in pointing out that this is the only regard in which it has cachet.
