Developer: Toronto Transit Commission, Waterfront Toronto
Architect: Arcadis
Address: Front Street & Bay Street, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Union Subway Station: Second Platform and Concourse Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC | Arcadis

Once the new York concourse opens, the current concourse will be gutted and excavated from the stairs to the subway back to closer to the ACC entrance to accommodate 2 levels just like the new York concourse. 2 levels will consolidate to one (concourse level will stair down a bit 20%, retail level would come up like 80%) before hitting the ACC entrance. Google Toronto union station new concourse there are some good schematic renderings, some from this very site.
I think the question was of the staging of the build rather than the final outcome. I think that passengers will at first have to walk up to the concourse level (as they do now) and cross the moat that way, you can see in the renderings that there will still be stairs up to the concourse as well as the access to the lower concourse. Once the lower concourse is complete than the walls will be knocked out to allow access.

I think it really depends on how far along the lower Union Retail concourse level is coming along. If it is significantly complete, and completed along the North side with abuts the subway station, than I see no reason why they couldn't be opened at the same time with hoarding up to block of the areas still under construction.
Once the new York concourse opens, the current concourse will be gutted and excavated from the stairs to the subway back to closer to the ACC entrance to accommodate 2 levels just like the new York concourse. 2 levels will consolidate to one (concourse level will stair down a bit 20%, retail level would come up like 80%) before hitting the ACC entrance. Google Toronto union station new concourse there are some good schematic renderings, some from this very site.
Will this mean no direct indoor connection between Union Station and the ACC during reconstruction of the Bay Concourse? Or is there an alternate new passage via the new York Concourse maybe?
Will this mean no direct indoor connection between Union Station and the ACC during reconstruction of the Bay Concourse? Or is there an alternate new passage via the new York Concourse maybe?

The current walkway to ACC has to be rebuilt to remove the crown that there now. They may have a walk around it to replace it like they did when they built it a few years ago.

From what I remember from my tour a few years ago, the new expansion takes the new GO Concourse floor up to the existing walkway as well having the new floor for the new west section in place when the new section opens this year.

From the Subway to ACC, don't know of any plans to do this once the existing section is closed off.
I think the question was of the staging of the build rather than the final outcome.

Maybe I misread. Apologies.

As to entrances from new section to ACC, there's an entrance to Union from Maple Leaf Square that would seem to lead to the new area. Not sure if it opens on the concourse level or directly to the lower retail...
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Site tour, Friday March 21








Terrazzo floors are starting to appear in the new concourse.

Some test panels have also been installed on the ceiling.

New stairs leading to a platform, enclosed by glass walls. It seems somewhat narrow.


My condolences go out to whoever has to keep track of all those wires.






Another new set of stairs leading from the platform.


On the other side of the wall is the sidewalk on Bay street (tracks are above). Eventually this area will be open to pedestrians.






I'm looking forward to the day when the concourse is done, which is only a few months from now. It's going to be a lot more spacious compared to the current one.
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Is that last photo the excavation below the existing concourse? because if they are doing that already it makes me feel a lot better about completion coming in on time. I feared that once the York concourse is completed that we would be only half way through, but if all they have to do is rip out and rebuild the Bay concourse we are much closer to completion than I thought.
