Developer: Toronto Transit Commission, Waterfront Toronto
Architect: Arcadis
Address: Front Street & Bay Street, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Union Subway Station: Second Platform and Concourse Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC | Arcadis

Somewhat off-topic but mentioned in the pdf. Does anyone know why the streetcar line for West Don Lands costs $20million but the streetcar line for East Bayfront is to cost $115million? That's a huge difference!
The extra cost is due to reconstruction of Union Station loop as well rebuilding the existing portal on Bay St.

I find the cost to low as it will not meet the plan ridership demand.

Based on servicing 5,000 riders per hr or more, the new LRT station needs to be a center platform running the full length of Front St from Bay St to York St. York St as will having a twin tunnel from front St to Queen Quay under York St. There would be a new portal to connect to an east-west line along the QQ.

This will allow TTC to loop various east-west lines as well allowing LRT's to bypass Union Station in the first place.

It will also allow TTC to run service from Woodbine Ave to Brown Lines and not force riders to do any transfer changes and get them there a lot faster than can be done today.

The new station will be able to hold 6 LRT's on each tracks.

You are lucky to just to get 2 CLRV’s in the current station.

The current station can only handle one new LRT car.

This New Station will services the western waterfront extension, the eastern waterfront redevelopment, Fort York line, CNE, Bathurst St, Spadina and the Lakeshore line.

Then you got to add in the 25,000/hr ridership for Expo 2015.

By the way, there is a public meeting for
TTC-TWRC Waterfront Transit Environmental Assessments
Second Public Workshop
June 6, 2006
7:00-9:00 pm
Novotel Hotel, Champagne Ballroom
45 The Esplanade, Toronto, Ontario
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

From TTC's Union Station Second Platform site:

TTC Union Subway Station – Second Platform
Sanitary Sewer Relocation

June 2006 to November 2007

The Toronto Transit Commission’s (TTC’s) Union subway station has experienced an outstanding increase in daily ridership usage since it opened in 1954. The station will undergo modifications that will include the addition of a second platform and improvements to the concourse level to increase public capacity, improve safety, pedestrian flow and service operations. This project is part of the revitalization of Toronto’s waterfront managed by the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation (TWRC).

Before work can start on the second platform, preliminary work involving the relocation of a sanitary box culvert (sewer) beneath Front Street is required.

This month, the TTC in conjunction with the TWRC will start a multi-stage construction project to relocate a 150m section of a 1050mm x 1575mm sewer presently situated beneath Front Street between York Street and Bay Street. This will involve construction of a new 900mm x 1800mm sewer beneath the moat area between Union Subway Station and Union Station Railway Terminal and connections to the existing sewer under Front Street at both the west and east limits. In addition, other connections to the new sewer will include smaller sanitary and storm sewers in the area. This work is scheduled for completion by November 2007.

WORK ZONES: will include,
In and near the Bay/Front intersection; in the moat area from Bay Street to the centre bridge of the Union Station Railway Terminal; various locations on Front Street including the eastbound curb lane opposite the main entrance to Union Station Railway Terminal.

The work will generally consist of two methods of construction; cut and cover (excavate and backfill) and tunnelling. The cut and cover method will be used to construct an access shaft at the various work zone areas on Front and Bay Streets so that tunnelling can be done from those locations. Cut and cover will be the primary method of construction in the moat area.

All work zones at street level will be secured with hoarding and/or concrete barriers.

The first stage of sewer relocation will be the construction of an access shaft on Bay Street just south of Front Street. Followed by tunnelling from the shaft to the moat area and from the shaft to Front Street, slightly to the east of Bay Street. Construction of the sewer beneath the moat area or subsequent construction stages on Front Street will follow shortly thereafter.

At least one lane of traffic in each direction on Front Street and on Bay Street will be maintained during the stages of construction. In some instances, traffic turns will be restricted, i.e. northbound left-turn from Bay Street to Front Street during the first stage.

Curb lane parking will be reduced and/or restricted within and beyond the construction zones. Driveway access to businesses on Front Street will be maintained.

Access points to all buildings in the construction zones will be maintained. Access between BCE Place and the moat area will be maintained. Access between Union Subway Station and Union Railway Station Terminal via the moat will be maintained daily with some restrictions after 7:00 p.m., and after 11:00 p.m. on event nights at the Air Canada Centre and/or the Rogers Centre.

Heavy construction work at street level will be largely confined to the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays.
Occasionally, the contractor may need to work later in day or on weekends. In these instances, an effort will be made to keep noise levels to a minimum and limit the use of heavy equipment after 9 p.m.

Night work is essential on this project. The installation of hoarding and barricades, as well as some work in the moat and tunnelling will be conducted at night. The contractor will work in accordance with the City of Toronto noise By-law.

Construction update notices will be provided as work progresses.

During regular business hours, Tanya Hardy of the TWRC at (416) 214-1344 ext. 239.
During regular business hours, Diego Sinagoga, TTC Marketing and Public Affairs at (416) 393-2197.

We regret any inconvenience that may be caused as a result of this work.

Diego Sinagoga
Community Liaison Representative June 2, 2006

Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

With the sewer going under the moat where will the streetcar end up going when they expand the capacity of the streetcar station. I thought there was some plan to have a loop to York St.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

Walked by last night and noticed work taking place on Front Street and on Bay Street. Sewer work. Looks like it has started.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

I can't express how happy I am to finally be seeing progress on this! Long overdue.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

Too bad they can't make the station as large as Sheppard Yonge Station.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

In the future they could make Union station even larger but they wisely chose to avoid the costly construction that would be required working around the supports of the Royal York and RBC building.
I hope the TTC has their act together and the new station by-pass corridor and entrance gets built as part of the remodeling going on in the concourse level of the Royal Bank Plaza. How sad would it be if the remodelling gets finished only to need to redesign the concourse all over again.
The tiles at Sheppard-Yonge station are quite lovely. I am also a fan of Eglinton's tiles, which the original vitrolite tiles remain. Bloor is okay, I don't mind the tile pattern in the 1966-1968 B-D stations (or the classic look of St. Patrick or Queen's Park, which almost remind me of London Tube stations).

But apart from Bloor, all renos are bad (especially Dundas). This will be Union's second makeover.
Unfortunately the renderings seem to suggest that they are going to keep the exact same wall covering in the existing station. I really hope that it doesn't look too disjointed. I hope they've got a lot of Windex for all that glass, too.

