Toronto Union Subway Station: Second Platform and Concourse Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC | Arcadis

Well, work on the actual station won't begin until 2008 so I wouldn't be surprised to see construction going on to 2010.
^ climbing the stairs against the morning rush always reminded me of salmon spawning upstream

I always enjoyed that as well. Always had a good laugh. I'd sometimes randomly jump in the air and wiggle around like a fish to many peoples amusement. Always thought it would make for some photos or some sort of art video.
One of my top 10 favourite things to do is walk north from Union Station through PATH on a Friday at 5pm. Going against the grain like this is just so amusing...I feel like that little house that survived the Saguenay flood.

Hmm, I hate this. I end up wishing people were dead when I try and walk against the grain. Any walk that winds up with you hoping the Avian Flu hits Toronto soon is probably too stressful...
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

Apparently at the GO Transit Board meeting two weeks ago, members heard that staff is close to approving a contract to redesign the deteriorating train shed roof, and is also set to issue a RFP to build and rehabilitate passenger platforms, and build a new pedestrian connections to the east and west of the station.

Apparently GO's development will go ahead with or without a Union Station deal (The UPG deal that fell apart). Whatever happens down the road in terms of redoing all of union station - UPG's successor will have to deal with infrastructure projects installed by GO in the interim.

While I'm pleased that both the TTC and GO transit seem intent on going ahead to upgrade their facilities, I'm concerned by the lack of an overall vision for the station. Toronto may be left with a peicemeal approach for rehabilition and renovation.

GO staff is currently evaluating bid submissions to rehabilitate the roof of the 75-year-old train shed, with plans to award the contract within the next few weeks. Plans include cutting a strip out of the centre of the roof and replacing it with a glass atrium of about 1 acre in size. The move will introduce more daylight into the interior of the train shed. Artificial light also is to be increased, with an energy management system to take advantage of daylight and save energy costs.

Designs for the $55 million project are to be completed by April 2007. The construction contract is to be awarded in August 2007, with construction to be wrapped up by late 2010.

Go staff is also going to issue a RFP for a $30 million design/build contract for a new passenger platform south of the existing train shed, as well as a new concourse connection to York St to the west and the future Union Plaza/Maple Leaf Square to the South. This is planned to go ahead regardless of the status of the UPG deal. Once again this concerns me - I'm pleased to see progress, but we need all the stakeholders to be working together for a coherent vision, not working seperately in their own little areas of Union Station.

There are plans to extend the existing concourse level to the south to eventually connect to Union Plaza/Maple Leaf Square. Go will apparently be looking to the City to pick up some of the costs. ALthough the roughed in pathways to the south will not likely open until the station itself is redeveloped.

Overall, GO Transit's improvements to Union Station and its rail corridor are to cost about $600 million. Of this $55 million (split between Ottawa & Queen's Park) will be dedicated to the train shed roof project and another $30 million for the platforms. The remainder of the project will include track and signal work, replacing antiquated equipment and upgrading the corridor to handle to potential doubling of ridership over the next 20 - 30 years.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

This diagram of the new station layout was linked to in the star article:

Diagram (PDF)
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

I remember being in London and going down one escalater and being greeted by 8 coming up. It was at one of the big train stations.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

Good to hear this project moving along at least. I like the underground link to GO.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

Construction is to continue until ... get this: 2015!!!! :eek

nearly 10 years of construction to add a platform to Union Station, you gotta be kidding me!
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

Not surprsing, since they can only work 4 hours per day, all underground, and have to move a sewer line.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

^ 4 hours per day? I don't agree. There is plenty of work that can be done without requiring the subway to be out of service.

This does not involve track work and demolishing the walls on the Yonge line side (which will require no service on that line) is something that will occur in the latter stages of construction.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

<sarcasm>Just think, by the time we're all dead or dying, this city will really have made a few small but important improvements to its transit network!</sarcasm>
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

^ 4 hours per day? I don't agree. There is plenty of work that can be done without requiring the subway to be out of service.

Then maybe you should get the job as project manager for this. I just know what I read in today's Globe. Don't yell at me.
Re: Union Station Train Shed Replacement

^ Who's yelling? :\

... and the article clearly states that there won't be any closures:

Commuter and pedestrian traffic won't be affected until 2008 when concourse and subway platform work is due to begin. But during construction the current platform will remain in use while the second platform is built.

Work is possible 24/7 if it's so required.
