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No, to the south. Essentially the existing platform will be glass-walled off along the south, and will only access the Downsview-bound trains. The new platform will built along the south and will access the Finch-bound trains, and also connect to the existing LRT platform. There's an image on Steve Munro's website. The new stuff is all in turquoise:Is the new platform north of the existing one?
Currently you can walk through the TTC subway station down the middle and not have to pay a fare to get to the Royal Bank Plaza. From this other image from Steve's website, it looks like there will be a second way through the station without paying, from the teamway along the west side of Bay Street, through the station, and then around to the Royal Bank Plaza, or to the BCE building. Here is the image, but this time the turquoise is the fare-paid area:What is the this pedestrian corridor for GO riders to bypass TTC's paid area?
Currently you can walk through the TTC subway station down the middle and not have to pay a fare to get to the Royal Bank Plaza. From this other image from Steve's website, it looks like there will be a second way through the station without paying, from the teamway along the west side of Bay Street, through the station, and then around to the Royal Bank Plaza, or to the BCE building. Here is the image, but this time the turquoise is the fare-paid area
I was wondering about that after I posted. Can you get from Union to Royal without going through a fare-paid area? I can't quite picture it ... I always seem to not go that way.The alternate route from the teamway you describe already exists and is really a rather roundabout way from the GO concourse to the path. The turquoise area at the far right is a completely new area.
This map implies there will be a tight pinch point where people can pass from the GO concourse, through the subway station and on to the PATH, without entering the fare paid area.
It certainly looks at though it would improve the flow from the subway station to Union Station itself. It's the flow from the Royal Bank Plaza to Union that looks impeded. Might end up simply being easier to come outside at Front/Bay and walk across the street. I wonder if that's the aim ...
Maybe they are hoping the new PATH expansion under York will divert enough people out of this area to prevent a bottleneck.
I just noticed how there are no longer stairs in the far east of the fare paid area. It looks like they moved them to the east so they are now just east of the automatic entrance. This got me thinking how could Brookfiled Place be a few feet higher than the RBC when they are connected without any stairs through that north east corridor on the diagram. There must be some gentle slope in that hallway I don't remember. I guess that's what the arrow looking line in the middle of the corridor is indicating. It says something but the resolution is too low to make out. Otherwise this whole diagram is like an M C Escher design.
There are much clearer versions of these diagrams on the Union redevelopment plan somewhere. I remember looking at them.