Developer: Toronto Transit Commission, Waterfront Toronto
Architect: Arcadis
Address: Front Street & Bay Street, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Union Subway Station: Second Platform and Concourse Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC | Arcadis

As a general FYI, the original EllisDon bid was invalid so they would have had to go with the Kenaidan $180M bid. The retender did come out about $19M lower, with EllisDon now having a valid bid of $161M.

Retendering was the right choice, even if EllisDon is milking it a bit.

The gap between Waterfront Toronto funding and the necessary $161M is being taken from various SOGR projects (tunnel work, escalator overhauls, fire ventilation, booth renewal program, and HVAC). Those budgeted projects don't need to be done separately if this went through.

Looks like we should see the contractor setting up for a late January start.
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All in favour bar Denzil Minnan-Wong, I thought?

You are correct.

Denzil Minnan-Wong was trying to get TTC staff to say it was coming out of their budget for this cost overrun, but lost to TTC. He was trying to pull a St Clair hare out of the hat.
The Commissioners approved it on December 15 so I suspect the January date is for the formal signing. The TTC site says:

Contract for Union Station 2nd Platform, Concourse Upgrades
Commissioners approved the award of a contract worth $161.5 million to EllisDon Corporation for the construction of a new subway platform at Union Station to the south of the existing centre platform, and for the reconfiguration of the concourse level to improve customer flow. Construction is scheduled to begin in January 2011 and end in April 2014. Funding for this project is provided by the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation.
Perhaps it's just a formality - it could also be an indication that there is an issue between TTC and EllisDon. These contracts always require a lot of legal back-and-forth before they are signed ... though I expect it will get sorted ... given the experience of the contractor.

Wow...I read 161 million plus, or do i need glasses :eek:
Was just thinking about this last night when post Leaf game Union was rammed and people were backed way up the stairs. It was great to see thousands still take transit to Leaf games, but I'm sure they hate this part. There were a lot of kids too, which created another issue as many adults tried to push on the train thinking it wasn't full when some of the "empty" space was actually occupied by little people.

I also noticed they are removing the ceiling slats and replacing it with a painted white ceiling. It's much nicer looking.
My office is next to Union and property management rec'd this from the TTC:

Construction associated with the Union Station Second Subway Platform and Concourse Improvements Project will commence on Wednesday, February 23, 2011. The first phase of construction will involve the removal of the centre median on Front Street between Yonge and York Streets and on Bay Street from Front Street south to the rail bridge.

Work on Front Street is expected to last five weeks, while work on Bay Street is expected to last one week for a total of six weeks. A minimum of one lane of traffic in each direction will be open at all times. Working hours are between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Sunday. During non- working hours, two lanes of traffic in each direction will be opened.
