I boarded a train on Platform 13 today and was dismayed to still see no roof in place outside of the central portion with the glass roof. I thought the whole point of closing 11-13 from August to December, and now 7-10, was to install roofing?
The dismay has been going on for two years now - and two years just to put up a stupid wooden roof.
They've decided to dump the 17:15 Lakeshore West Express onto the one-sided platform. Chaos ensured. I am so glad there are only two more days to go before the holidays.
Maybe they're holding off while they figure out the whole electrification wrinkle?
They've been holding off for Pan Am, electrification, whatnot. It seems that the priority is everything but the passengers. Just to give it a lick of paint and a new wooden roof (for the shed portion of the project). Let's get real here.
What's the point if, say, demolishing the rest of the roof is on the table?
But of course, "heritage".
Under the Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act, authorization can be granted. If Metrolinx/the province approaches the federal Minister responsible for Parks Canada and makes the case that 'hey, we have this shed that needs to be removed to allow electrification and we can do x, y, and z to make up for it,' I don't see why it couldn't happen.
... and is undoubtedly part of reason Bondfield are no longer the main Union Station contractors! (It is 'interesting' they are also the contractors on the Burlington GO station and the Copeland Transformer Station - both very much delayed!!)Well the ship sailed before the electrification, and the atrium is the end product of that discussion. But of course the failure to cover up the shed is just one minor bit (and poorly operationalized) bit of the saga.
... and is undoubtedly part of reason Bondfield are no longer the main Union Station contractors! (It is 'interesting' they are also the contractors on the Burlington GO station and the Copeland Transformer Station - both very much delayed!!)
Focus is on leveraging combined knowledge, experience, expertise and innovation to create functional, safe, timely and cost effective quality solutions.
Just noticed that they actually poured concrete for the floor yesterday in the Bay moat area. I assume it is the base coat as there are pipes etc sticking up 6 inches or so. Clearly they want to get the flat access from/to TTC into Union open sooner than later and can then demolish the remaining outside stairs closer to Bay and even install the roofing.I noticed just before the snow that the excavated moat area on the Bay side is getting prepared to pour the (final?) concrete and the same area on the York side has the huge new drainage pipes all installed and also looking almost ready to get the (final?) layer of concrete. I assume both will be done when the weather warms up....
Yes, one day we are going to go there and it will all have a new ceiling - the framing has moved quite fast over past couple of weeks.Sitting in the via concourse and it appears that they are well underway on the framing of the new ceiling. Tight space for light fixtures!
I boarded a train on Platform 13 today and was dismayed to still see no roof in place outside of the central portion with the glass roof. I thought the whole point of closing 11-13 from August to December, and now 7-10, was to install roofing?