Toronto Union Pearson Express | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | MMM Group Limited

The fact remains no one currently taking transit to get to Pearson is going to take this train and especially not if 2 or more people are travelling together.

Just electrify it, add a few stations and make it part of the standard TTC network and Toronto will get 23km more rapid transit than they do now but for a fraction of the price of Toronto subway construction rates. It's so easy it's ridiculous. I don't blame the people in Weston for not believing the line will EVER get electrified in their lifetimes which is why they are playing hardball now. If the line is held up and won't be open for the Pan Am Games, Metrolinx will electrify it in record time. They know that blackmail works and if they are ever going to get that line to serve the people that are actually paying for it, it is now or never.
^^^ +1 I see the ARL becoming the defacto western leg of the DRL but with spacing closer to 1-2km. Changing the line to local service would also not preclude GO or even one of the airlines from running the occasional express train directly to Union.
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The fact remains no one currently taking transit to get to Pearson is going to take this train and especially not if 2 or more people are travelling together.

You keep saying this. But yet, every time I go to the airport on business, there are tons and tons of taxis dropping people off, and better than a limo leaving a minute.

The service is not really aimed at families. It is more aimed at the business traveller, and there are lots of them headed towards downtown.

Toronto, Ont.
You keep saying this. But yet, every time I go to the airport on business, there are tons and tons of taxis dropping people off, and better than a limo leaving a minute.

The service is not really aimed at families. It is more aimed at the business traveller, and there are lots of them headed towards downtown.

Toronto, Ont.

Or people who like me, who are not business travellers, but don't enjoy paying $60 for a cab from downtown to the airport. I will definitely use this. $25 is a drop in the bucket when you're paying hundreds for a flight. If it made more stops along the way, I'd probably still take the cab just because it would be much faster. It's about convenience, nothing more.
If the business class are going to use it then let a private business pay for. The taxpayers of Ontario are paying for this lien so it is the taxpayers who should benefit from it not tourists or business people coming into the city for a weekend. This line does nothing for the avergae person and certainly absolutely nothing for the thousands who work in and areound Pearson.

I hope the Weston Community wins their case and can bring this travesty to an end. If they do you would be amased at how Metrolinx suddenly found the money to electrify it and how it won't take 4 or 5 years to do so but can all of a sudden do it in 18 months max. It's amasing what can be accomplished when you hold a bullet to one's head.

The people along the route, to say nothing of the long suffering Torontonian transit users, are 100% right in their objection to this line. Once the Pan Am Games are over Metrolinx has no intention of electrifying this line in our lifetime. They know that it will yet another line that will no doubt have "further review" but nothing will happen. If Metrolinx had an once of integrity and accountability, they may beable to take them at their word but Metrolinx's {and the TTC's for that matter} reputation is shot with Torontonians and with dame good reason. They have absolutely no reason to trust either entity and know that this is the only chance they have of bringing this affront to Ontario taxpayers to a halt.
who said a one-way trip will cost $25? What if it costs $12.50, would you still oppose it so much?
who said a one-way trip will cost $25? What if it costs $12.50, would you still oppose it so much?

You will be lucky to see it under $20 considering all 4 out of 24 systems I saw in Europe that had this system were over $25 in the first place.

The rest, you took transit to the airport as well having non transit buses to chose from.
If the business class are going to use it then let a private business pay for. The taxpayers of Ontario are paying for this lien so it is the taxpayers who should benefit from it not tourists or business people coming into the city for a weekend.

Businesses pay taxes as well.
A side note: By the end of January 2013, ""ALL"" TTC 192 buses to the airport will have "Luggage racks on them".

Could see a lost of seats as well having service beef up to cover the lost seats.
A side note: By the end of January 2013, ""ALL"" TTC 192 buses to the airport will have "Luggage racks on them".

LOL. I seem to recall arguing with a couple of people at TTC saying they should do something like this, and all I heard were the reasons it couldn't be done.

Hopefully Byford can turn the horrible "We Can't" attitude around at TTC.

Could see a lost of seats as well having service beef up to cover the lost seats.
Does the service really run that full? I've never really seen many standing even at peak. Does it have the usual TTC load factor for peak periods? Can't say I'm a regular.
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A side note: By the end of January 2013, ""ALL"" TTC 192 buses to the airport will have "Luggage racks on them".

Could see a lost of seats as well having service beef up to cover the lost seats.

Likely that would mean 100% low-floor buses with luggage racks over the wheel wells.
Likely that would mean 100% low-floor buses with luggage racks over the wheel wells.
As I don't think TTC has any 100% low-floor buses, and won't be buying any in the next 10 weeks, surely it just means some luggage racks in the existing vehicles.
LOL. I seem to recall arguing with a couple of people at TTC saying they should do something like this, and all I heard were the reasons it couldn't be done.

Hopefully Byford can turn the horrible "We Can't" attitude around at TTC.

Does the service really run that full? I've never really seen many standing even at peak. Does it have the usual TTC load factor for peak periods? Can't say I'm a regular.

This "WE Can't, We Have Always Done It This Way & etc" needs to change and Byford is on the right track to make these changes.

I have seen buses running full both during off peak and peak time to the point I had to stand the whole route. I use the route very rare myself also and cannot speak for all the times.

Just like Dave Gunn did when he was here, a person with a backbone can make changes for the better and Byford seem to have one. Then having a Chair person who willing to back the CEO as well improve TTC helps.
