Toronto Theatre District Residence & Riu Plaza Hotel | 156.05m | 49s | Plaza | BDP Quadrangle

...I hope they're not using the crinkly types that's being used 357 King W. >.<

Just to preface: This one's about as much of a mystery to me as to you, as I'm not in the know of the supplier of the panels for this project unlike I am at Nobu and 357 King (this one is being fitted by a different local outfitter).

I'd love to see precast but being that it's Plaza I'm fully expecting the cheaper panels of 357 King.

Of the inside information I have right now, the local processor of the materials for those other projects (357 King and Waterworks, two worlds of different material quality) is currently suffering from a lack of supplies and may see delays by more than a month. This is likely a wider issue across the industry as many different sectors are suffering from the supply chain crisis. So unless the panels for this project were long in production it'll be months away until we see them. This is why many projects at the moment are largely slow on metal prefab as opposed to precast or window wall since those are largely made here from start to finish. If precast is actually used here I wonder if any credit will be to a large delay on metal prefab. All just speculation of course.
Nov 27, 2021







That is good brick-embedded pre-cast (like at Rush Condos).

Project lead Heather Rolleston has upped BDP Quadrangle's game…

…and that's nothing against the rest of the studio at all, I just love the textural approach to this cladding, that's all I'm saying.

This looks really nice. I know there's still plenty of mediocre projects going up in this city, but finally we're getting a good number of decent and high quality projects as well.
I gotta say, I am pleasantly surprised here. The renders didn't really get me excited but I was mostly focusing on the tower portion. The street level with the brick is actually turning out quite nice. I hope they can make a good effort with the retail in the townhouses. It would be really nice to have a bit of a "hidden" laneway here with some restaurants, patios and shops.
