You might want to re-read my calculation.
I did - error on my part.
You might want to re-read my calculation.
The rail corridor is only about 6m below Front Street. the deepest part of this is going 25.5m, or about 20 metres deeper.Tanks aside ... is the whole going to be deeper then the rail corrider on the other side, and if so by how much?
I wonder if any of this material is useful for the Cherry st. lake filling/Villiers island construction.
How far away are they trucking this stuff? Must be quite expensive.
Maybe clay part of the excavation seen on these previous photos, could be used for the swampy areas of the park for the aquatic plants . But I heard someone one this blog say that they're shipping it to a small airport. But I don't know the name of it .
nice clay for aquatic plantsPics taken Feb 15, 2018
Is the office bldg. being built in steel?
I think @maestro mentioned that a certain airport was being operated as a site for dumping excavated fill and it was outside municipal jurisdiction given airports are Federally regulated.
I was mentioning it - it's the greenbank airport in Scugog (Port Perry).