Toronto The Carnaby Condos | 70.41m | 20s | Streetcar | TACT Architecture

This week's Now ad says it starts soon. Perhaps 3 years' time you'll be living in your Dundee-controlled rental building?

Hi urbandreamer, Carnaby Row just started selling by a few vip agents.

I have the pricelist and full list of floorplans that I can PM you. If anyone that is interested, please PM me.
This should probably have its own thread.


Since it's actually attached to the Carnaby, I am wary of splitting the Carnaby Row thread off. I foresee a future of having to move posts around to the right thread if we make a second one.

Streetcar is TACT's major client. however I am not a big fan of the exterior. it has that mainstream industrial look to a residential building, not very homy and cozy.
I understand those 2 houses are not part of this development yet, as the owner is asking an extra $1m per house over what was offer to them. They miss sell these homes to the City for the underpass by asking too much.

If they fail to sell soon, they will have very little to build on and no money to show for it.

Excavation is underway by Queen St with a small portion of 11 Peel building still standing. The 2nd floor at the rear of the sales office is strip to the steel framing.

The rending look great and will add to the area.
Streetcar Developments poor workmanship

Yeah this developer is horrible - I had the misfortune of buying one if their units a couple of years ago, boy do I regret making that decision. Streetcar really decided to cheap out on materials - only used drywall to seperate units and hallways, so you can hear your neighbours coughing, talking, etc. Really shoddy sound proofing, leaks all over the place, unfinished hallways, bike lockers that are made out of chicken wire and so small you can't even fit a bike in them. If you ask them fix things like a broken furnace or leak, they'll fight you every step of the way and take you to Tarion (which is the most useless warranty program ever). It's nice to see more density and retail coming to Queen street, but didn't enjoy owning a unit there.
This should probably have its own thread.

Because the Carnaby Row and The Carnaby buildings are attached… and so is the marketing, we are going to keep it as one thread.

All of the new renderings (including detail shots that we always try to give you) are now up in the dataBase. Tact really has done a great job with the varying facade treatments here, and it looks like the pedestrian realm may end up amongst the very best of the new complexes going up across this city.

