Toronto Telus House - 25 York Street | 136.24m | 30s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co

Good vantage point! Props to Softee.

The building's proportions are improved 200% just with the addition of the fins. Looking great! For awhile I was worried, but I think after all, I do indeed love this project.

Taken saturday
click to enlarge


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Hmm the fins on the south side look to be the same size as the north. In the renders the fins were a bit bigger on the south side.
June 27 2009 update

seems like I've been stalking drum118 this weekend ~ :p

Photos of the model with the fins can be found at post #985. The south fin was supposed to be taller. Rather than making them both fins short, it looks to me like they may have increased the hight of the "short" fin to bring it in line with the taller fin?

The differing heights looked cool, but I don't mind the symmetrical look either, given that both fins are still quite large (especially compared to BA).
I took this pic few days ago, sorry guys for the quality. It's so nice to see how telus blends into the sky and reflects the CN tower. Also my first time posting a picture here.:)

