Toronto TeaHouse 501 Yonge Condominiums | 170.98m | 52s | Lanterra | a—A

This is architecture?

aA has gone beyond stale. there some, um, exchange program for architects? Maybe we could send Mr. Clewes and Co. over to Paris for a couple of years, in exchange for maybe Jean Nouvel? What was great about aA 5 years ago has become totally boring today...

/LOL but still a real issue imo
This crosses my line. If the design stays true to that, I will be one of the people opposing it unless they make dramatic changes. I'm getting sick of developers building schlock. I love modernist architecture but there is a difference between quality modernist and crappy modernist architecture.

I get the impression this is going to be a very oppressive design.
Signs are up and they say the podium will be 7 storeys

This is architecture?

aA has gone beyond stale.

I will repeat what I seem to have to say every time an elevation is made public: Don't judge a building by just the elevation, they are almost always very unflattering. I myself intend to wait for the render before passing judgment.
Renderings make the building look much much better then they turn out in most cases - especially with glass towers. That elevation is probably most honest about the horrible design than the soon to come render will be.
^^^ Agreed. These are only elevation drawings. Nevertheless, the project looks massive. Hopefully when we see a plan drawing these towers will be set back from Yonge apiece . They'd do better to have one, or both towers, arranged like 300 Front.

OK, I know it's totally unfair to judge a building based on a tiny distorted preliminary line drawing, but... well let's just say I hope that's an exceedingly poor representation of the finished product. As in, no more accurate than dt_toronto_geek's red-outline visualization from a while back. Like, "this is what 2 58-storey towers might look like, but don't worry, this is just a placeholder until we get around to designing the actual buildings". Because that is just as bland as bland can be. Truly atrocious.
CN Tower, you sound like one of those wannabe architects who thinks they know everything but obviously know absolutely nothing.
Anyone druling over the Dubai skyline must have never been there. Yes they have 2-3 incredible buildings, whereas the rest are all copy/paste and i letterally mean copy/paste. At least cityplace has a some different designs in the buildings. Yes they're all glass but they are not all square.
The Archtect, are you reffering to the Tour de la Bourse in Montreal? If you are, i have to ask you "Seriously?????".

Yes I am referring to the Tour de la Bourse in Montreal. :p

I know a lot of people who don't like it, but I personally do. Especially for when it was built, I think it is an interesting take on a box, and was done well. Though I am also a huge fan of Mies van der Rohe so I guess that shows a bit of why I like it.

Also, many people wondered why I didn't really like the sound of this project from the beginning.. If this is what is going in then I told you so! This would definitely kill the character of that stretch of Yonge..
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I walked by the signs today, too. I don't care what the facade treatment is, the massing is crap. There's no relation or connection to anything nearby, there's nothing to soften the building's edges, there's no sense of proportion, I hate that the long sides of the towers are oriented toward Yonge, and we get less retail space than what's there now. I wouldn't care if the building was 50m taller, provided they addressed the other problems.
