Toronto Tableau Condominiums | 124.05m | 36s | Urban Capital | Wallman Architects

Not everyone would know that Wallman Architects will be moving their offices into the podium, and based on the way it's turning out, you can see why: they are justifiably quite proud of this building.

I sort of wish there wasn't a historical building here so that they didn't have to include it... I think the design would have still looked really good without it!
A few more from yesterday evening.



Great to see the office space being well utilized i.e. not just small firms, nothing wrong with them but nice to see condo office being useful for things other then dentist and the like.
In that lost shot--the bottom five or so floors of balcony glass appear to have the white spots removed, while the spots reappear further up. Is that just the photo, or are those spots indeed being taken off? I find them distracting.
Can't believe that just a few years ago that horrible Cantina Charlie's used to defile this spot.
This building is quite something in person! Unfortunately in photos it gets lost in a sea of glass. I guess the fortunate part is that most people don't interact with buildings through photos.

I share your pain my friend, we would all be over this building with praises if it wasn't built near Picasso.
Unfortunately, a well constructed Glass building is no match for Picasso even though it's not an architectural masterpiece but good enough to be different from the sea of glass you described.

I think developers should think outside the glass, if not then they should use other colors like Yorkville Condos....
