Toronto Studio and Studio2 on Richmond | 131.06m | 41s | Aspen Ridge | BDP Quadrangle

The report says the proposal consists of two towers of 41 storeys (west tower) and 31 storeys (east tower) atop a podium
ranging from 5 storeys on Nelson Street to 8 storeys on Richmond Street West.

Sounds like the towers will be 41 + 5 and 31 + 8. does anyone know the combined height for each building?

It's in the report. The west tower is 41 storeys total at 131.15 m, and the east tower is 31 storeys total at 96.85 m.

Bad Quadrangle.

I really like them. Very funky.
The report says the proposal consists of two towers of 41 storeys (west tower) and 31 storeys (east tower) atop a podium
ranging from 5 storeys on Nelson Street to 8 storeys on Richmond Street West.

Sounds like the towers will be 41 + 5 and 31 + 8. does anyone know the combined height for each building?

The west tower is 41 storeys (including a 5 storeys podium) and the east tower is 31 storeys (including a 5/8 storeys 2-part podium)

this is a cool design indeed ... but Boutique 1 owners has got to hate this ~
This could go either way. Very hard to tell from those drawings and Quadrangle is hit or miss.
Still, hiding University Plaza from the last available side is a good thing.
The form looks very interesting based on the elevation drawings, however it will all come down to the planned material to really decide. This will look terrible if it's finished like Quadrangle's West Harbour City, but could look great with the right glass. I'm thinking a cool shade with lots of colour accents.
Through the grapevine I hear this is going to be pretty cool digs. If you work in the neighborhood and dig the atmosphere, this will probably be the place to live. Hear plans will be out this Fall. Let's watch and wait.
Wow, more interesting designs. I love this. I hope all these funky buildings get built.

Looks like it has got city approval, now lets hope it sells.

Condos will have units big enough for families
Couples urged to raise children downtown

City councillors yesterday approved new condo towers that include 94 units big enough to house families, as the city hunts for ways to make downtown more child-friendly.

Rising out of what is now a parking lot at Richmond and Simcoe streets, the complex also includes retail, restaurants and an 8,000-square-foot gallery for the Ontario College of Art and Design. The two glass towers, 31 and 41 storeys, look like boxes stacked on top of one another, said Les Klein, lead architect from Quadrangle Architects.

image from the article:

The towers look a little hefty for their style and another stupid podium
I'm all for building larger units so that families can live downtown, but I'm not sure that Richmond Street is the best location for it. It has a "highway" feel to it during many hours of the day.

The architecture looks pretty good to me :)
The towers look a little hefty for their style and another stupid podium

I'm curious as to what aspect of the podium you dislike. It's style, or that it has a podium instead of grounds? Taste can be subjective, but there's a strong argument for podiums. It's more economical use of land since and it creates a good urban street wall. 'Grounds' are for the suburbs.

As far as podium design goes, it's one of the best I've seen. It hugs right up to the sidewalk, it has enough scale that it suits its downtown locale, and the facade treatment respects the built form in its immediate environment. This type of scale at street level is a welcome departure from grounds or those glass box lobbies. I like many of those glass lobbies, but a solid street apron is more suitable in a city core.


Courtesy of Adam Vaughan
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